Chapter 10

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Hello! Thank you again for all the feedback, you guys are absolutely amazing!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I apologise for any mistakes! I love you all so much!


Arkadia had finally found hopeful and welcomed peace that thankfully seemed to be holding. After they had finally gotten Clarke back Abby and Kane had returned to Polis and became the 13th clan, under Lexa's protection they finally felt safe. They were aware of Azgeda's obvious dislike to them but Lexa had promised that they wouldn't be a problem, for Arkadia. It was if they were finally getting what they had all longed for and they were all incredibly grateful for every moment of it. Especially The Delinquents, after all the pain and terror they had endured  had finally been worth it.

Bellamy was anxiously waiting for Clarke to get ready, Abby had decided she was allowed to get some air and walk around as long as she promised not to over do it. As much as he had been desperate for her to get better, he found himself incredibly afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle it, that her stitches would open or God forbid she started having flashbacks. He ran his hand down his face and let out a worried sigh before looking to the door again.

Clarke was stood on the very other side of the door, biting her lip and forcing the tears glazing her eyes to stay exactly where they were. It wasn't the pain coursing through her body that was making her want to lie down crying, it was the fact the Mountain Men and Cage had turned her into this. She had never thought of herself as a hero or anything of that ilk but she used to at least be able to walk out a door without a horrible feeling of fear clawing its way through her mind. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly opening the door to find her best friend and the man she loved standing there. She knew he had been waiting on her but it was still a massive comfort.

He looked to her and gave her a charming smile in the hopes of keeping her spirits lifted. She smiled back and he felt his heart melt and long for her all at once. "You ready?" He asked her, just to make sure.

She nodded giving him another little smile before gently sliding her hand into his, it felt tiny and safe when he clasped his own around it. "I'm ready."

They walked hand in hand through the corridors until they came to the bar and to Clarke's surprise her Delinquents were all there seemingly waiting on her. She looked to Bellamy with a raised brow.

"Couldn't stop them when Jackson let it slip you were allowed out." He said with a chuckle as they got closer to their little family.

Raven was the first up and she grabbed Clarke before even realising she could potentially really hurt her so she loosened her hold on her as she grinned ecstatically. "You have no idea how good it is to see you up and walking." She said teary eyed.

It amazed Clarke how different she felt now with her friends than she did when she was still in bed. She couldn't shut them out like she had been previously intended to, they were her best friends and her family and she needed every single one of them. "I'm so glad to see you, too. All of you." She said with a small smile that was met with grins from everyone, they were clearly happy she was talking again.

As they each gave her gentle hugs and after Clarke had poured all her effort into sitting down, which was incredibly painful and that worried her. Medical reasons for that popped up into her mind but she tired to ignore them. They all chattered away catching Clarke up on all the gossip just as Raven had promised. It wasn't until a little while into their little gathering that Octavia smirked at Bellamy and looked to their intertwined hands. "So...?" She asked with a teasing tone in her voice.

Bellamy, embarrassingly started to sweat as soon as she smirked at him. That little smirk coming from his beloved sister could only mean bad things for him and he wasn't looking forward to whatever she had up her sleeve. "So what?" He demanded in a choked casual tone.

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