chapter 2

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I'm so sorry I couldn't help myself and I had to update 😂 thank you so much for your lovely comments!

Graham was lying on Killian's bed, tossing a ball in the air. Killian glared at him as he put the ice pack on his face, wincing. "Thanks for the ice pack," he told his friend. "You can go back to your room."

"No way, we have to talk about this some more," Graham told him. "I'd think you were making it up if it weren't for know, your face."

"We have class in an hour," Killian reminded him.

Graham sighed. "I don't want to go to class," he grumbled. He and Killian had met in their first class at NYU and been best friends ever since. Graham was a jokester, always playing pranks and goofing off. Since Killian was always serious, having Graham around lightened things up. "Where's Robin?" he asked, looking over at Killian's roommate's empty bed.

Killian shrugged. "He was gone when I woke up. I think he's still seeing that Regina girl."

Graham shook his head. "I just don't get it," he said. "He wears sweater vests."

"She seems to like his sweater vests," Killian said.

"Speaking of "hers," tell me more about the hot brunettes grinding on you at Club Friendly."

Killian plopped down at his computer desk, putting his head down on it. He felt like he'd been hit by a train and when he'd first stood up this morning he'd almost fallen back down. He didn't want to go to class either. "I shouldn't have mentioned them," he told Graham. "Forget they exist."

"Like I could," Graham snorted. "You have to take me to this club. Tonight."

"No way," Killian said. "They probably wouldn't let me back in anyway."

"You're like, the worst best friend ever," Graham complained. "You meet a hot stripper, go to a strip club, go to a regular club and practically get molested by two, count them, TWO babes, get into a fight...and where was Graham for all of this, huh? Asleep. Or masturbating. Or masturbating and then sleeping." He shook his head. "You suck."

"It wasn't as fun as you make it sound," Killian told him. "Trust me."

"What are you going to tell Rose?"

Killian shrugged, wincing at the pain that caused. Broken or not, his ribs freaking hurt. "I guess that I got into a fight."

"She'll faint," Graham said, laughing.

Killian gave him a dirty look. "Shut up."

"Her delicate sensibilities won't tolerate it."

"She's not that bad," Killian grumbled.

"You're right," Graham said. "She's worse."

"I thought you liked Rose?"

"I do like her. She's just boring."

"Boring is safe," Killian said, thinking about Emma.

"Boring is boring," Graham told him. "So when are you going to see this Emma lass again?"

"I'm not," Killian told him.

"What about your laptop?"

Killian made a face. He really didn't have the money for another laptop.

"I guess I'll go without until I can save up some money."

"First of all, that's stupid. She offered to buy you a new one, and your step dad is freaking loaded. Secondly, you work part time at the coffee shop. That would take months and you'll fail."

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