chapter 11

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"Lass," he said again, walking away from her.

"Come on," Emma called after him. "You weren't that bad!"

"I fell over!" he yelled, not turning around to look at her as he walked.

"That happens sometimes," she said. She tugged on his arm. "You can't give up, you'll never learn!"

"Why do we have to ride the bike at all?" he asked her. "Why can't we just drive?"

Emma grinned. "Because I'm a biker babe and you're going to be my old man."

He smiled back, nodding slightly. "I do like the sound of that."

"Come on, just try again, okay?"

"What if I break your bike?"

"Then you can buy me a new one," she teased. At his sour look she laughed. "It's a Harley. It's not going to break."

"But I might scratch it all up."

"Stop being a baby and get on the bike!" she told him.

"I'm going, I'm going," he grumbled. He had ridden 4-wheelers all his life but he couldn't get the hang of this Harley. It was completely different.

He got onto the bike and started to put his helmet on. He felt Emma slide onto the bike behind him. "Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe you'll ride a little better if you have some incentive," she said, wrapping her arms around him.

"Or maybe we'll both die in a horrific and bloody crash."

He felt her laugh against his back and couldn't help but smile. He started the bike and said a quick prayer, hoping he had been joking about the horrific deaths. He goosed the bike, causing them to jump forward. He then hit the brake to stop them, almost throwing them both off.

"Just relax," Emma said behind him, running her hands along his arm. "Take a deep breath. You know how to do this."

Killian nodded, wondering how he was supposed to concentrate on riding a bike when she was touching him. Only a woman would take a nervous man and give him something else to be anxious about.

While he was focusing on Emma's hands, he started riding. He wasn't even really aware of it at first, but then he realized what he was doing. "I'm doing it!" he cried. "I'm doing it!" He started to wobble a little bit and Emma clasped him tighter. "I've got it," he assured her, not sure that was true.

"I trust you," she said loudly to be heard over the wind.

He rode around the empty drive in theater parking lot, moving between the poles and in front of the screens. After about an hour, Emma asked him to stop. "Want to ride with me?"

"Can't I ride just a little longer?" he asked, not wanting to get of the bike.

"It's getting late," Emma told him, looking at her phone. "I have something I have to do tonight."

"What?" Killian asked.

Emma shook her head. "Woman stuff."

"Woman stuff?" Killian made a face. "I am going to be a doctor. I know all about "woman stuff.""

"Not that sort of stuff," she said, laughing and elbowing him.

"I was hoping we could hang out tonight. I don't have class tomorrow."

"Maybe later tonight? I can call you when I'm done."

"Okay," he said, reluctantly relinquishing the handlebars and getting up. "I'll ride around with you a couple times, but don't tell Graham, okay?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Okay."

It wasn't that bad. His arms wrapped all the way around her, and having another reason to hold her was a win for him. He couldn't stop wondering what she was going to be doing later, though. No one had heard from Neal and that's immediately where his mind went. He didn't want to ask because he was afraid he was right.

He'd driven his car to the old drive in, so he drove home. Emma waved as she turned off before him, heading to her apartment. He went to his dorm and took off his shirt, frustrated. He lay down on the bed, closing his eyes. He needed to relax. Emma would tell him anything he needed to know. Right?

He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but he woke up when Emma straddled him, her lips on his neck. "Hey," he said groggily, putting his hands on her hips. On her naked hips. He smiled, his lips meeting hers. He lifted his hips so she could pull his jeans down, his hands moving to tangle in her hair as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

Suddenly there were other hands pulling her off him. Killian looked up and found Neal at her back. "No," Killian said, trying to pull her from him. "Emma no!"

He sat up, shaking. "You okay?" Robin asked him, looking over from his desk. "You were making a lot of noise."

"I'm not sure," Killian said, putting his face in his hands. "But I don't think so."

"Is Neal Emma's ex?"


"You were saying something about Neal and Emma," Robin said, shrugging. "Sounded sexy."

"Let's not talk about it," Killian said, feeling sick. "It wasn't a good dream."

"So you're afraid Emma will cheat on you with her ex?"

Killian shook his head. "I don't think so," he said. "I think I'm just jealous of him."

"Why? You have Emma."

"Yeah, but will I keep her?"

"Not with that attitude, mister."

Killian grinned. "Why are you here? I thought you were staying with Regina tonight?"

"I am. I came over to use my computer in peace for a few minutes. Not that that did a lot of good," he continued under his breath.

"Sorry, man."

"It's okay, I was almost done anyway. Is Emma coming over tonight?"

"Yeah, she'll be here."

"Stay off my bed. And my computer desk. You know the rules."

"Yes, sir," Killian said with a mock salute.

"And if you make her mad enough to destroy something, make sure it's your something she destroys, okay?"

Killian nodded. "Got it."

"Where's Graham?"

"Out with Belle French. Can you believe that?"

"Stranger things have happened. Somewhere...I'm sure. I just don't know what they would be."

Killian laughed. "Me either."

Robin walked by the bed, hitting Killian on the shoulder. "You've got this," he told his friend.

"I've got this," Killian repeated.

"She's your girlfriend and she loves you."

"She's my girlfriend and she loves me."

"I am the greatest man alive."

"You are the greatest man alive." Killian laughed. "Jackass."

"I do what I can," Robin said, leaving the room. "Good luck, bro."

"Thanks, man," Killian said. He was afraid he was going to need it.


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