chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Killian noticed that Emma was nodding off and nudged her. "You ready to go?" he asked her.

They'd been at the club for hours; it was now 2 am and the club had closed at 1. They'd sat around a large table talking and getting to know one another. Well...Graham didn't really talk. He mostly just stared at Belle French.

Emma nodded sleepily. "You don't have to take me home," she told him again. "I'm sure I can get home fine."

Everything might be fine, but Finn had an uneasy feeling about Neal. "I don't mind," he told her. "David said I can borrow his car and then he'll bring your bike over tomorrow morning and swap. I'll just take a cab home."

"That sounds like a lot of trouble."

"It's not," he told her, slowly standing. "Hey everyone, I think I'm going to go ahead and take Emma home." He looked at Robin. "You can get Graham and Mary Margaret home?"

Robin nodded. "I'm staying over at Regina's tonight," he told Killian. "You got your key?"

Killian nodded. "It was nice meeting you, Belle."

"Nice meeting you too, Killian," Belle said, smiling at him. "Next time we'll have to sing together."

"Maybe," Killian said, grinning. "Maybe not." He looked down at Mary Margaret. "You going to be okay?"

"Yes," she told him, glancing over at David. "I'm good."

"You guys may have to use a vice grip to pry Graham away from Belle," Killian told them. "Don't hesitate."

Graham stopped staring at Belle long enough to glare at Killian. "Goodnight Emma," he said pointedly.

Emma laughed. "Goodnight everyone." She kissed David on the forehead and told him she loved him, and then followed Killian out the door.

"It feels good out tonight," Killian said, looking up and wishing he could see the stars.

Emma nodded. "I'm glad you were ready to go," she told him as he opened the door for her and she slid into the car. "I don't think I can stay awake much longer."

Killian walked around the car and got in. "I have a big test tomorrow," he told her as they started moving. "I really should have studied tonight."

Emma looked at him. "Regrets?"

"Surprisingly, none," he said.


They talked about how easily their friends had gotten along, almost as if they'd always known each other. "I think it's really good that David has his own business. He told us he was the bartender for five years, but how could that be? You guys are around my age, right?"

Emma laughed. "David has never really cared much about little things like the law," she told him. "When he started working there he used a fake ID and said he was already 21. Mac- the guy who owned the club- didn't really care one way or another. He figured David was lying but as long as he had that fake ID he wasn't too worried about it. We're 23."

Killian nodded. "Yeah, I can see that about your brother. I'm 22, but I'll be 23 before graduation."

"I figured that," Emma said. "I'm robbing the cradle."

Killian shook his head, amused. When they arrived at her apartment building she waited in the car for him to open the door, alarmed to realize she was nervous. What if he made a move tonight? What if he didn't?

Killian helped her out of the car and held her hand as they walked to her apartment. "You really didn't have to bring me," she told him.

"I told you, I wanted to," he said as they reached her floor.

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