chapter 18

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This is the last chapter before the epilogue 😭
Emma loved NYFA, but she didn't know if she'd be able to stay. Killian hadn't heard from any of the medical schools in New York, and it looked more and more like he would be going to Kentucky. He'd told her repeatedly that she couldn't give up NYFA for him, but NYFA wasn't her life; he was.

They had argued about it, which drove her crazy. Her wanting them to stay together was the thing driving them apart. Killian had spent more time in his dorm room lately, and though it was true that he probably needed to study for finals, he could have done it at her place.

"What's wrong?" David asked her, wiping some glasses down and putting them under the bar.

Emma plopped onto the stool and put her face in her hands. "Why is it so wrong for me to want to actually live with my husband?" she asked.

"Killian? He's not your husband yet...right?" David said, looking confused.

"No, but he will be when he goes to medical school. Medical school in Kentucky." She pouted, looking at her brother. "Give me a drink."

David nodded and fixed her a screwdriver, setting it in front of her. "You two are still arguing about that?"

"He's being unreasonable," Emma told him, taking a long drink and wincing a bit. "No couple can survive being away from each other for four years, no matter how strong they are." She sighed. "I'm quitting NYFA. That's all there is to it. I love him, David. I have to be with him."

David put his hands on the bar, looking at his sister. "Ems, you've always wanted to go to NYFA. I know you love Killian, but you need to be absolutely certain that you're not going to hold this against him for the rest of your lives. That's what a marriage can't survive."

She took another drink and nodded. "I've thought about it so much. I do love NYFA, and I love New York. But those are places. Killian's my heart."

"I'm going to gag," David told her, smiling despite himself. It made him happy to see Emma happy. "I'm glad Mary Margaret's going to be a teacher," he said. "You can teach anywhere."

"So is she staying here?"

"I want her to. I'm in love with her, Emma. I don't know if I'm ready to get married, but she's everything I could ever imagine wanting in a woman. She's beautiful and smart and funny and sweet...she's perfect."

Emma grinned, happy for her brother. "I think love is in the air, because Belle is in love with Graham, and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. And Regina and Robin are happier than ever."

"I like these people," David told her. "I feel like they've always been our friends. They're just like...our other halves or something. Once you found yours, you brought me and Belle ours."

"David, that's beautiful," Emma said, staring at her brother. "And true. You and Belle owe me big time."

He laughed. "I'm not even going to argue, because in some weird way, I really do."

They talked for a while and Emma left, deciding- with the help of some vodka and orange juice- to tell Killian once and for all that she was quitting NYFA. Getting to his dorm room, she knocked and waited.

"Hey," Killian said, opening the door and leaning against it. "I didn't know you were coming over."

Emma looked up at him and smiled. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

He nodded, leaning down to kiss her. "I'm always happy to see you, lass." He stepped back, letting her into his room. "Robin's at Regina's."

"Good," Emma said. "I need to talk to you."

"I need to talk to you, too," he told her. "I'm not going to medical school."

"What?" she asked, looking at him puzzled.

"I'm not going. I can't let you leave NYFA and I know you would. So I'm just not going to medical school."

Emma stared up at him, shocked. "Killian, you have to. You've worked so hard to get in. I can't let you just not go."

"I've thought about it a lot," he told her. "And medical school isn't as important to me as you. Nothing is. So I'm going to stay here and you're going to stay at NYFA."

"No no no," Emma said, shaking her head. "That's what I'm supposed to be saying to you. I'm not going to stay at NYFA, I'm going to Kentucky. You can't not go to medical school because of me."

Killian sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm not going, Emma."

Emma crossed her arms. "I'm dropping out of NYFA, Killian."

"If you would just listen to me," he said, groaning. "Belle asked me to play for her. Since I don't want to leave New York that much, I'll probably just be her studio guitarist, but it pays well and it would be fun. I'll sing backup vocals and everything."

"Singing backup for Belle isn't what you want," Emma told him. "I know you love to play, and I know you love to sing. But you're going to be a doctor, dammit."

"You won't even listen to me," he said, looking at his watch. "I have to go, but I'll be back in an hour. Wait here, okay? Please don't go anywhere." He grabbed his book and kissed her on the forehead. "No matter what else happens," he said quietly, "I love you."

She closed her eyes, nodding. "I love you too," she told him.

After he'd left, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Belle number. "What were you thinking?" Emma demanded, going to Killian's desk and sitting down.

Belle sighed. "Hello to you, too, Emma."

"You know he wants to be a doctor. Why would you offer him something like that?"

"Because he was upset and didn't know what to do, and was absolutely adamant about staying in NY with you," Belle told her. "That boy loves you. He's not going to let you quit NYFA."

"I love him too," Emma said, picking up him mail and sorting it out. "I'm not going to let him skip out on medical school. I couldn't live with that."

"I don't know what you two will do," Belle said, sighing. "I wish I had an answer."

"Me too," Emma said, holding a large envelop from Killian's school. She frowned, wondering what it was. "I'm sorry for calling and being a bitch, okay? I'm just really upset."

"It's okay," Belle told her. "I've got to go now, though. Love you."

"Love you too," Emma said, putting her phone down. She opened the envelope, pulling the papers out. Reading the first line, she felt light headed. Standing up quickly, she grabbed her phone and ran out of the room.

Running across campus, she got to the building that Killian had class in and ran up the stairs. "Holy crap," she groaned after a moment. She should go to school here; she'd definitely stay in shape. Getting to his classroom, she stood outside of his door and waved her hands, trying to get his attention.

Every person in his class but Killian looked up. Finally the teacher said, "Can I help you, Miss?"

Killian's eyes found her and widened as he stood, rushing to the door and closing it behind him. "Emma, what is it?" he asked her, looking her over to make sure she was okay.

"Look," Emma said, handing him the paper.

"What is it?" he asked, confused. He took the paper, reading the first line and looking at her. "What?" He looked again, this time reading the whole first page. "NYU Medical School?" he said, grinning and looking at her. "I'm in?"

"You're in!" she cried, jumping up and down.

Killian grabbed her, swinging her around. "I'm in!" His lips found hers as he held her tightly. Some of the students from his class started cheering through the door and he looked at them sheepishly.

"Go back to class," Emma told him, still grinning. "We'll celebrate later."

"I love you," he told her, smiling down at her.

"I love you, too, baby," she said.

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