Part 4

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• Katherine's POV•
Hagrit and I rode to Hogwarts and just in time! I thanked Hagrit for the ride snd went inside Hogwarts Train i heard whispers like *omg Harry Potter is here* or * I am going to look prefect so I can marry him when I get older* ugh all of those whispers were so dramaTIC!! I rather kills myself more than hearing gross whispers. I looked around to see if there was open capsule but nothing every other one of the capsule were booked or full!! Then something caught me eyes: with a beautiful green eyes and pink and pale skin brown curly hair, he held something green and slimy and knew he was hold a frog.
Conversation :
(Unknown: UK) (Katherine : K) {a/n I will change names when they say it!}
K: uh excuse me I was wondering if there is an empty seat here, because well...their all full I can't find a seat can I sit with you?
UK: uh yea the way are you new student? The professor was talking about last year!
K: y-yes I am new to Hogwarts school... I am also excited for what house I am going to be in!! And thank you for the seat...
UK: your welcome...
K: oh I see you like frogs!
UK: oh ya I love frogs in fact frogs are my thing.
K: really cool! I love frogs too when I was little I always love to go to the Forbidden Forest but that is when Hagrit came along so I won't be alone and killed... Hagrit helps me to find frogs all the time in fact... I keep them and let them go..
UK : you collect frogs!! Well I think we should be frog partners someday in class if there any science classes!!
K: yea... *sits inside puts suitcase in shelf*
UK: well I want to know you better... So what is your name?
K: oh...uh my name is Katherine what is your name
UK: my is Neville  LongBottom
K:  cool... So Neville what do you like to do when your bored instead of looking for frogs what else?
NL: well....I like to collect fireflies with a glass jar and use them as a light!!
K: O my Shine!!! You do that too!?! I also love collecting fireflies with a glass jar!
NL: well awesome I think we have something in common right?!?
K: right!!
End of conversation:
When Neville was sleeping I hard footsteps when they approach I see a blond boy and a girl with a pug like face next to him  and two fat boys in the other side of the blonde boy! I wonder they are Slytherins? When Neville  woke up they bullied Neville  by the blondie!! I put hasty stare into there soul will scare them away ! Then the blonde looked at me and let go of Neville.
(DRACO: D) (Katherine : K)
D: hey!! Are you a new mud blood?
K: yay you gotta a problem blondie
D: Listen I am not here to argue with you!!
*Katherine's blood boils*
K: listen here short stuff I am here to stop with all the hate also stop bothering Neville he never did not to you...even though if I hear you say Mud blood again your get a big hurtful punch and you'll be sorry. At least my friends don't have pug like faces and also they are your servants that eats a lot!!
D: I'll have to you know I will tell my fa-
K: father! Father! Help me! That what you always say Draco Malfoy!
*Draco blood boils with pressure and turns radish red*
End of conversation:
When Draco and his friends walked away. I help Neville to get up, he had a bruised, that turn very very purple! I said " Neville your cheek is turning  black and purple!!" Neville flinched when I touched it he said " I'll be ok, I promise!" when turned back Neville's frog disappear and how am going to find it and tell him?!

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