Part 7

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I don't like Luna! She so bossy for everything and not to mention she is a RavenClaw! She is a smart girl and very talented but not as talented as Katherine!!
End of Recap:
Neville's POV•
when the ceremony started Professor called each student by name. " Weasly Ron, Granger, Hermonie ,... Potter Harry" I looked at Katherine she was looking nervous, I wrapped an arm around her waist and held her! she was like almost like a sister and she looked up and smiled and blushed, it's too cute when she blushes! Then I looked back and saw from the Distance. Luna. She was furious that held an arm around Katherine's waist, she was nervous I wanted to support her. Then they called my name. "LongBottom Neville" I stood and walked over to the wooden stool and sat there and Professor put the hat in my head! " you have lots of of things going on in your mind not like inappropriate ones just....Love. belong into.....GRYFFINDOR!!" He yell and everyone cheered this is my 3 year in Hogwarts, hopefully Katherine is in Gryffindor.

Katherine's POV•
Professor called Neville, the hat yelled " GRYFFINDOR" very loudly! It echoed through the the hall ways and even in the dining room. Then Professor called my name. " Cruz , Katherine" I stood up shakily, I was nervous I was about to pass out! I reached to my destination, sat on the wooden stool and put on the hat! "Well , well , well who do we have here! hmm this seems really hard, well- oh my goodness..." The sorting hat said playfully! " sorry to interrupt, can you please hurry up your kind of giving me a headache." I said very politely " oh why I will kat just give me a second alright?" He said in a serious tone. "Yes sorting hat!" I said kindly. "Alright I got my answer... Your going to be in-" I cut him by whispering "please don't let it be Slytherin , please don't let it be Slytherin please, Please!" I said "What you don't want to be a Slytherin well that takes you to be a....GRYFFFINDOR!" he said jolly and happily. Every roared and cheered very loudly!i thanked the sorting hat, walked to the Gryffindor table and ran to Neville hugged him around the neck we sat down and everyone was 'ohhhh and awwws'. Then I looked up and I smiled... I think I like Neville but how am I going to tell him!! I thought Neville leaned in and so did I before I could say anything are lips were connected!! we kissed awhile, Therefore Professor broke out kiss and said "let the feast begin!" And everyone was eating like crazy!

•Neville's POV•
It was Katherine's turn And I am super nervous! I crossed my fingers and prayed that she will be a Gryffindor. Then she whispered "please don't let it be Slytherin , please don't let it be Slytherin please, Please!" Uh-oh! Great, Katherine is going to be Slytherin my luck just got real I saw Luna putting an evil laugh on her face I am disappointed about her, then she looked at me and gave a the 'I-am-sorry' look but I gave her the 'were-are-done-look. but before i looked back at Katherine I heard the sorting hat yelled " what you don't want to be a Slytherin well that takes you to be a....GRYFFFINDOR!" Everyone cheered and roared super loudly!! I was happy I wanted to hug her right now! Then Katherine walked to the table and ran to me she hugged me around my neck and we sat down together, she looked at me and I looked at her the I leaned in and so did she and before we knew our lips were Connected! We kissed for awhile and everyone around us were 'ohhhh and awwwws' which was really annoy but cute for me and Katherine. I felt eyes on me they were burning to me and knew it was the professor she said very loudly " Let the feast begin!" We both got startled and broke out kiss, this is the best kiss I ever had!! I felt lots of sparks I mean LOTS AND LOTS OF SPARKS! I felt amazing. I looked around and saw Luna she was very VERY jealous, I never liked Luna and the kiss was different, very different!! I never feel sparks when I am around Luna. ( which that is a good thing) and I am going to plan to ask out Katherine to be my girlfriend!! All I need is three people and I know who are those three people!! :)

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