Part 6/ The ceremony

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Katherine's POV •
Neville...his protecting me from Draco! How?why? I thought. Therefore a lady who was very old around age 70 she had a green robe and a witch hat to got with it! Therefore, she broke up the fight from Neville and Draco.
(Lady: L) ( Neville: N) ( Draco: D)
L: stop you two right now! Draco what on earth are you thinking?
D: sorry professor I just bumped into this mud blood and-
N: NO YOU DIDN'T you lier! You expect to hurt Katherine you worthless pure blood snake!
L: Katherine who is she?
N: the new girl didn't you say anything about her, you told us last year!
L: oh Parton me Neville...yes she is a new student but we also have a new student in our hands...
N: wait! There is two new students? W-who is the other student?
L: His name is Nico...remember him he got suspended from here he comes back today around lunch tim-
D: *laughs* you think that worthless mud blood be here he got suspended for Gods sakes!
L: yes! I personally think that can get expelled?
D: w-well.... *blushes*
L: well I expect good behavior from you Mr. Malfoy, meet me in My office when your already packed.
D: b-bu-
L: No Buts move along Malfoy your in so much trouble wait until I tell your father about it!!
L: and you Neville...thank you for protecting Katherine:)
N: your welcome Professor!
End of conversation:
Therefore, the white blondie is gone to the professors office...I wonder how it looks like?!? I looked at Neville one more time and looked back looking at the floor. I blushed at the question that professor told Neville it was stuck in my mind: thank you for protecting Katherine!
(Neville : N) ( Katherine : K)
N: hey Katherine are you alright!!
K: yes Neville I am! Why?
N: cuz you were holding on to me very sort of tight!
K: oh I wa-was just nervous and scared about Draco! *blush*
N: o-oh soo.. Um I think we should go to the ceremony before its to late! *slightly blushing*
K: yeah I think that is a great idea! Let's go then!'
N: alright
End of conversation
When we walked to the dinning hall, there were candles flooding into thin air! It was beautiful, therefore the ceiling was a night sky it looks real, I knew it was fake because  it was used for magic!
Me and Neville got in line, I saw a hat; wow a hat really! so this magical hat can tell which house your on, like I am going to fault for that. GREAAT! I thought we stood in line and waited there like 1/2 hours standing! Professor said the instructions, of how this hat works! Therefore, I heard music..? It came from the hat? I freaked out and I fell but then muscular arms caught I looked up and saw Neville! "Watch we were your stepping kat! " he said smiling! While standing me up! " thanks for the catch Neville!! And did you just called me kat?" I said playful pushing his arm! " kat can ask you something?" He said while blushing "yea spill the beans Nev!" I said giggling a little " um...w-well I just wanted to say... I-I lik-" he was cut by a female voice. I looked to see a blondie with blue eyes and bright pale skin just like Draco! ( hopefully they are not brother or sister!) she hugged Neville and and her head was facing me she said mouthing 'HE IS MINE' well that is some ratchet Bitch. I asked "um.. Uh hi what is your name!" She said" well my name is Luna love good!" What is yours?" She said fake smiling, i fake smile big time! " well if you asked my name is Katherine the new girl!"

 Uh hi what is your name!" She said" well my name is Luna love good!" What is yours?" She said fake smiling, i fake smile big time! " well if you asked my name is Katherine the new girl!"

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(Picture above) "well i will see you later 'New Girl' bye Nevboo" she giggles and waves! UGH! why is she so annoy! Luna walked away and  then the ceremony began!!!

Neville's POV•
When Luna came Katherine looked a little jealous.. I mean don't get me wrong I like Katherine when I first saw her in the train I fell in love!! I can't deal with her.. She is so beautiful, when Professor said" thank you for protecting Katherine I felt sparks of light in my guts!! But my guts are telling me to ask out Katherine and I just met her... Maybe I will wait!! then again Luna destroy my moments when I am around a new person like Katherine! I don't like Luna! She so bossy for everything and not to mention she is a RavenClaw! She is a smart girl and very talented but not as talented as Katherine!!

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