Part 5

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When we arrived at Hogwarts, Neville took my bags and helped me gentlemen I thought. I thanked him and took my bags and followed him, "come on Katherine lets go to the dining room!" I simply nodded and walked behind him. We walked from a crowd of students, I lost Neville I couldn't find him! I Yelled "NEVILLE!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I got bumped and I tripped and fell on the concrete floor. I looked up and saw the one and only. DRACO. "Oh I am sorry I tripped you, and by the way I can't find your stupid boyfriend Neville LongBottom! That is ashamed of my self."Every student was crowning me and Draco. Draco laughed so hard that everyone else laughed. I got up and grabbed my stuff. " your not going any-" the pug like face was cut by a big fist in her mouth. She was bleeding and have cut in her lip. Therefore I felt warm arms around my waist, muscular arms then pushed me back against his back, I closed my eyes and opened them again I looked up and saw who knew it revealed my hero...Neville.

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