Part 8

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I felt eyes on me they were burning to me and knew it was the professor she said very loudly " Let the feast begin!" We both got startled and broke out kiss, this is the best kiss I ever had!! I felt lots of sparks I mean LOTS AND LOTS OF SPARKS! I felt amazing. I looked around and saw Luna she was very VERY jealous, I never liked Luna and the kiss was different, very different!! I never feel sparks when I am around Luna. ( which that is a good thing) and I am going to plan to ask out Katherine to be my girlfriend!! All I need is three people and I know who are those three people!! :)
Neville's POV
When lunch was over, I went to get to the common room, looking for the three people. I ran down and up forward and backward. After I ran I went to class and saw the who was friends with the two very himself and likes rats. Ron Weasly.
I spoke to him about that I wanted to ask Katherine to be my girlfriend and will try ask my other friends.

Katherine's POV•
Lunch was over and walked with Hermonie, we talked for hours. When Mr Snape came in class to (very long day) we turn a pages and our lesson was about...werewolves. Great.
------------2hrs Later-----------
When class was over, I went to look for Neville. Then I bumped into someone and fell really hard in my head. Something warm was rushing into my head and hair, and something wet. I knew what it was. Blood. UGH!! Why does tripping always happens to me.. I looked who was the jerk who always teasing and bothering Neville the one and only.Draco. I got up and went up to him and slapped him very hard in the face. Ha! Jokes on you Draco, who is laughing cow now!! I thought in my head, I was lightheaded I couldn't walk. I stumbled back into the floor very lightheaded. This is it Katherine your going to die I wish Neville was here to save me. I thought while crying a little then very thing went Black.

Neville's POV•
I walked to my room and found the best super hero ever lived . Harry Potter.
Harry: H Neville: N
H: hey... Neville what brings you here?
N: you know Katherine...right?
H: yeah...are you ok? What about her?
N: well...I was asking if you could help me on helping on asking k-Katherine to be my girl friend.
H: *mindblow* Really? Are you crazy? Your going out with Luna remember?
N: yeah I know about that! But... I feel different around Katherine like sparks and love in the air...something like that.
H: bu-...ok fine I will help you who do you next?
N: great...I will need Hermonie and I already got Ron!
H: great is that all you need Neville?
N: yes...I want to make this perfect for Katherine and I lov-
Then Neville was cut off by Hermonie. "Neville come to the hospital wing quickly...Katherine is in GIGANTIC TROUBLE!
Neville, Harry, Hermonie, Ron, ran to the hospital wing, Neville ran faster than the other three. Then he saw his one only person hurt...the one true love going to die...the one true love he was going to marry. He saw the one and only.Katherine.

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