Part 9

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H: bu-...ok fine I will help you who do you next?
N: great...I will need is Hermonie and I already got Ron!
H: great is that all you need Neville?
N: yes...I want to make this perfect for Katherine and I lov-
Then Neville was cut off by Hermonie. "Neville come to the hospital wing quickly...Katherine is in GIGANTIC TROUBLE!"
Neville, Harry, Hermonie, Ron, ran to the hospital wing, Neville ran faster than the other three. Then he saw his one only person hurt...the one true love going to die...the one true love he was going to marry. He saw the one and only.Katherine.
End of Recap:

-Neville's POV-
Noo... This can't happen!? Neville thought why can't this be happening? Hmm? Who would have done this? Was it Luna Or... DRACO!!
" I will be right back you guys!" Neville was very angry and pissed at the same time. "We're your going Neville?" Hermonie asked "to find my target and I know who that target is!" "Who is it then?" Asked Harry " THAT BIG FATASS MALFOY, HE HURT MY LOVE AND GOING GO GET HIM BACK BY KICKING HIS HURTFUL SPOT!!" Neville ran outside, and went to the locker room and everyONE was looking at Neville very worried. He found Draco, he calmed himself down, but he couldn't he hurt his beautiful wife. He came up to Draco and slapped really really hard, Draco Flung back and hit the locker with his head super hard, Draco got up and defense himself... Neville looked into Draco's eyes and said " i want to talk you right...NOW!!" then everyone turned heads...
( D: Draco N: Neville )
N: listen here Sasquatch, I am not playing games. You hurt Katherine, why did you do that stupid shit of ass...who said you can hit people and do that fuck?
D: because I wanted to, oh and by the way she started to bleed to death and I was happy abou-
N: about what to be more popular and proud, to think that shit of yours will make you happy...for me and Katherine for the DAMN TIME DRACO I AM DONE WITH YOU AND FUCKING HATE YOU.
D: *draco walks away*
D: *draco stops his track* what did you just say to me?
D: *draco came up and threw a punch at Neville*
N: Neville Dodge the punch and hit him the the face and Crouch!
N: that is what you get for hurting m- Katherine
Then professor McGonagall came and saw Neville and Draco. She spoke " Draco and Neville what are you guys doing?" Everything went silent. Then Draco spoke, " W-Well the point is that I was just hanging out with my friends until This Jer- I mean Neville and he slapped me and punched me and kicked where it hur-" Professor McGonagall put a hand up Draco's face, then she spoke. "Well then, Neville can you tell your backup story...please?" He nodded and began to speak " when I was in the common room Hermonie ran and she said "Neville come to the hospital wing quickly...Katherine is in GIGANTIC TROUBLE!" So I ran as fast as I can and Ron , Harry , Heromine where their then, before that I looked at the bed saw...saw Katherine laying in bed blood dripping from her head then I was looking for Draco and I saw him beating up at kid from the huffle puff table...then I came in and slapped him really hard and he punch me and then I dodged it and  I punched him in the face and I kicked him in the... Crouch!" Professor McGonagall was very interested by Draco's behavior and Also Neville's Behavior. Then she spoke " who hurt Katherine was it Draco or was it you Neville..." I then I pointed to my enemy.Draco. " Draco come to my office right way you need some talking to...and don't bother Neville and...his friend. "Neville your are one brave student to protect Katherine keep up the good work."  Then she was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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