Chapter 17

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My face went blank, I couldn't think anymore, if he knew what my name was, does it mean that he also knows who I really am?

-I told you my name is Sasha.

-Oh come on, don't you think I know who you are by now?

OMY...WHAT...So he does know, I guess I'll have to take care of him before...

-Yes indeed I am Farlman's son. And that's how I know that you're the human that was on the same level as the nobles as a dying human child. You were in critical condition when you finally fell unconscious and to save you my honorable father saved you.

-Y-you call that saving. Obligating a helpless child to live killing their own race, locking them up, killing innocent people in front of them just because you didn't want to give in. Torturing them, making them feel like it's their fault that all those people died, but that if you do kill one to stop all the others, you won't be human, and there'll be no going back. Is that really what you call saving and being honourable?!

-Well of course, you would of been a great addition to the army, hell if you were there maybe you all could have killed the rewriter.

-And what good would that of been! It seems like the only way we can solve our problems are by killing, but that only creates more, and those too will be "solved" by killing and so on. Why couldn't the vampires not mess with the humans in the first place?! It would have avoided all this unnecessary conflict.


-What...What's so funny about this?!

-You still think that I don't know. Ahaha


-You're the one that keeps on saying that we can't solve anything by killing each other, but you're the one that killed your hole race! It's just so funny.

My eyes grew wide as he said that. He knew, he knew all along. Wait a minute...

-Why did you force me to fight if you already knew?

-I didn't, I had my suspicions when I first saw you but I didn't know for certain. But you've just confirmed it... And do you know the best part...


-It's broadcasting live in the arena, he whispered in my ear.

I broke the chains that were tying me down, I jumped up and in the process pushed Natsu, I didn't bother to look back so I don't know what happened. They all knew, all of them in the arena, my secret was out and I can't do anything about it. I sprinted back to the dorms. I got back not knowing how many days it has been, thankfully I figured out soon enough that I was only gone for three days, Saturday till Monday, but we had Monday off so I didn't miss any school. I glanced at the clock and it was already 5:45 am. I still hadn't drank any blood so I decided to once and for all go hunting.

I came back just in time, I walked in the class a few seconds before the bell rang, and I could feel Yuu and Sam's gaze on me. I decided to ignore them. Thank God I didn't have time to go to my locker cause I had all my stuff in my bag, so I didn't have any reason to go to my locker. We had the hole afternoon off do I decided to go in the forest, I didn't sleep much in the past three days so once I got to the strong trees, I didn't hesitate to climb one of them. I dozed off to the sound of the birds chirping around me.

I woke up, but I wasn't in the forest anymore. I was in a room that I knew all too well. I immediately turned around and saw Samuel sitting near me. Yuu came in after a few seconds, he looked worried.

-So you're finally awake.

-What am I doing here?

-We brought you here to talk.

-I have nothing to say.

-You're not the one talking.

I looked at Yuu confused. He then spoke to me for the first time in a while.

-Nastu is planning an attack against you.


-You already know about the broadcast I'm guessing.

I simply nodded.

-Well he managed to convince almost everybody that you were the enemy in this hole thing. He created an army and is planning on launching an attack on everybody that opposes to his ideals.

-Like father like son I see.


-I didn't kill all the vampires back then, some managed to escape without my knowing. The fourth nobles son was one of them.


-Will you help us fight him?

-When's he planning on attacking?


-But that's in three days!


-Fine I'll meet you guys in the library Friday, until then ignore me, if there are spies they will report back and will probably ambush you guys before the attack.


I left shortly after, when I got out I was already dark so I headed straight for the dorms. Thank God Alicia was already asleep, cause this time I didn't have an excuse to give her. Like I said both Sam and Yuu ignored me the next day. The days passed extremely slowly. I skipped a few classes to go train a bit, I sharpened my senses, especially my observing skills. Sam, Yuu and I were all called to the principles office, Thursday after classes. I'm guessing I wasn't the only one training.

Friday morning when I walked into class, I could clearly see that both Yuu and Sam were very agitated. The day passed even slower than the other ones... Last night I was so anxious that I barely got any shut eye. As soon as the bell rang I rushed to the library, Yuu and Sam skipped last period so when I got there they were already there. We talked for a bit and then they told me to follow them. We arrived at an abandoned building, there we met up with some high ranked vampires that were on our side, at least I think. He said that he wanted me to say a speech to the vampires that are taking part in the rebellion. All three of them walked out, and then I followed them... As soon as we opened the door I heard a crowd screaming, I looked up and was so amazed. I didn't think so many people would join our rebellion. I stepped in front of of them. I immediately knew what to say...

-Today we are gathered here to fight for our ideals! We are here to to be heard, we will not let them continue with this dictator and let them blackmail all of us! This is not going to be an easy fight, and I'm sorry to say that I can not guaranty victory, at least not on the battle field, but we are all victors, no one here let themselves be threatened by the higher ups and decided to follow the path that they judged the right one! Many will lose their lives, but none of them will be in vain, keep that in mind! If any aren't a hundred percent sure they want to go through with this, then leave now! I will force no one to go through this battle full of bloodshed! I'm warning all of you, most of you that have never killed someone of your own kind will feel guilty and it will hunt you! I will repeat this one last time, those who do not desire to be here leave! ... Now let us fight and let us be heard!

As I scream the last words many start clapping and cheering. Most of these brave men and women will perish, who knows, I might be one of them.

As I walk into the building to get my cloak, Yuu appears in front of me. Before I could react, you pulled me into his tight embrace, I held his shirt tightly as I whispered...

-Don't you die on me.

-I won't, he mumbles as kisses the top of my head.

-Well we better get going, I said as I pulled away.


I walk away as I headed for the battlefield, that is a couple of miles away. I know the are already there, waiting for us to arrive.

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