Bella comes back

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The phone rings about a hundred times before I pick up, there is no alarm set today and my head aches. I stand shakily and make it to my dresser. There scatter are the bottles from last night and my phone. 

Grudgingly I pick up not bothering to notice the caller ID, "Hello?"

My voice cracks, and I clear it. My eyes are blood shot and I cringe at my mistake. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, making it more messy then fixing it. My voice stays hoarse as I repeat, "Hello?"


Why in the hell is Renee calling me, what time is it?


"Don't tell me you are hung over, gosh Charlie I thought you were past this" she sighs "For fucks sake."

I flinch back, noticing how even years later her words pierce into my heart, and I realize I am still that pathetic man she left, no wonder she left. I may be a good man, but that doesn't mean I am the right one. 

"What is it Renee?"

"It's Bella."

I stop, the icy shake that cascades through my back wakes me up, never has my cloud lifted and my head cleared so quickly.

"What's wrong, where is she?"

"That's the thing Charlie," I can tell her she is biting her lip now, nervously, "she never made it to Florida?"

Fuck. I grit my teeth, this isn't her fault, it's mine, once again. "What do you mean she never made it, I saw her pass security, I waited at the airport! Where the fuck is she!"

"Charlie, calm down. We need to find her."

No shit. I hang up too angry and instantly she is calling me back, but I don't have time for this. I get pants on and my uniform, I make sure my badge is in the pocket and wrap my belt around me, attaching the gun. The safety is on, and I know I will use it today. 

I race to my truck, and back up not bothering to use caution. The moment I reach the station I bark orders and start a search for Bella, I get into my cop car and Detective John and Lieutenant Liam are banging on the window, "We have more work to do then this."

Lieutenant Liam yells, "Charlie, there are people dying left and right,"

"With all due respect Sir, my daughter could be next." With that I drive off, blaring my lights straight to the airport. The signs race by in a blur, and all I can see is the tower so far away, how long has she been gone, is she hurt, where did she go, did someone take her?

The thoughts race through my head and I beat myself up for not taking care of her, I punch the steering wheel repeatedly which sends me drifting towards the curve. I steady the wheel and take a shaking breath, "come on Bella, where are you?"

As I drive back towards the airport, I have calls coming in through my radio. Bits and pieces are sticking to my conscious, but everything is finding my daughter, and then one rings about the airport,

"Charlie, the flight attendants never saw Belle, she was taken before she made it to the her gate."

I slam on my breaks, almost causing an accident, I start to turn back. That was my only lead, and I don't know where to go. I slam my hands on the steering wheel cursing. 

*ring ring*

I pick up my radio, but realize it's my phone. 


"Charlie, thank god, Bella is in the old ballet studio, run."

The line goes dead, before I even process what's going on, I floor my car, as I rev I turn on my lights, bingo.


I approach the ballet studio, and there is already a car there. I cautiously get out of the car, I have no idea how many people are going to be in there, and I have no back up. I curse myself for not having someone else come with me. But there was no time, like there is no time now. 

I hear glass inside shatter, I pull out my gun and run in without thinking. I want to start shouting her name, but some of my training floods back to me. 

As I step in I see two men fighting, and Bella is locked out on the other side of the room. I start running toward her and then I notice there are more people, and more bodies along the corridor. 

Someone shoves me, and I slam my head into the mirror, and everything goes back.


As I open my eyes, my head is throbbing, there is a blanket around me, and I see that the lights are too bright. I sit up, rubbing the back of my head and see that I am in the hospital, I sit on a side chair, while Bella is on the bed. 

She is safe, and so am I. Even though I don't remember how we got here, everything feels better. This time, I won't push her away, because I have to protect her. In whatever way I can. 

**Author's Note:

Please don't forget to vote :)

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