Jacob the wolf

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After feeling so alone for so long now Bella wants to come. She couldn't have picked a worse time!! I don't even know what is going on. Ugh, I'm so frusterated and infuriates!

Carslie let me go the next day. He said not to stress to much and I if had any questions come to him.

I stormed to Billy's house and right away I knew something was wrong. I got inside and it was all dark. Little light streamed through the closed curtains sending shimmering golden light cascading down the couch.

I walked into Billy's room and got attacked by him.

"Charlie, what are you doing here? You aren't safe here!"

"You want to explain what e he'll is going on? I thought you were my friend, I thought you cared!" I screamed at him. I wanted him to feel guilty.

"Charlie....it's not what you think!" He stopped.

He was looking out the window at Jacob. Ill talk to him. He will listen better. I stormed out f the door.

"No!!!!! Charlie it isn't safe."

"Shut up!" I screamed at him.

I ran to Jacob who looked like he was sniffing the air.

He then lunged at me and turned into a werewolf. I quickly ran away and noticed I was already at the door. How did I run here this fast? Jacob was then a human again.

I was staring at a naked Jacob.

"Charlie? What happened to you?"

"You know what happened to me!"

He seemed confused then he looked at my eyes. He backed away and growled.

"Get away from here. And don't come back for your own good. You are crossing the line of the treaty."

"What treaty? Explain to me!"

"Just go!" He yelled and stormed off inside. I heard yelling and could almost make out what they said. I now have super hearing too? It's such a weird day! Maybe ill wake up and it will be just a nightmare, just a dream.

Authors note:

Sorry it was short and at it took forever to update. I just really didn't feel like writing to tell you the truth.

Always vote and comment. Sorry it was short next one will be better and longer!

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