Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

     After I'd told Joel everything, he told me how he knew about it all. It blew me away. I was completely shocked. He was Katia's Step brother! 

And she had been talking to him about everything when he went to visit her, thus, telling her everything about me.

How I was involved, how most of it was my idea.

I needed a cigarette. That wasn't all I needed. But that was all I had at the time.

And a bottle of beer from the fridge. I tossed one to Joel and told him to sit down at the table.

I don't usually smoke in the house but I didn't care right now.

I needed this.

So there i was flicking ash on the floor whilst waiting for Joel to stop staring at me.

He knew everything?

How is this even happening to me? 

You think you know someone...

Then you help his step sister commit a bunch of murders.

I feel so stupid. Speechless too. I really didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure whether he was gonna say anything, to anyone about this. 'Joel, can we make a deal?' I asked.

'I don't know Avery. I really don't know. Part of me wants to leave right now, stay the hell away from you and never see or hear from you again. But then there's the other part of me saying that if I can still love Katia for what she did, then I should still love my friends. You are like family to me Avery. That's why I'm still here, I think.'

'Joel, you know I see you as a brother too, and I'm sorry about letting Katia take the blame, but it was all I could do at the time. Think about it, if I hadn't left the hut and gone to Marla's, I'd be in prison. We wouldn't have had all this fun we've had the last few weeks. The band and everything, its all going well now. I don't want that ruining, and I'm sure you don't either.' I said.

I was trying subtly to make him rethink calling the cops and he sat for a moment, looking like he was thinking.

'Joel please?'

Yep that's right! I begged him...

'Ok look Avery. I won't say a word, as long as tomorrow we go see her. And maybe see about getting her out of there.'

'No! I cant see her. She's not happy with me.' I said.

'Yeah I know. That's why I want you to come with me. So then we can convince her not to say anything, because now I know everything, I could get sent down too, if she so much as opens her mouth just to say one name. And trust me, one day that'll happen and that name will be yours... unless we stop her.' Joel explained.

'How do you plan on doing that?' I asked.

'I'll think of something.' Said Joel, rubbing his head. 


'Trust me Avery. Everyone has secrets and surprises you know. I mean you for example, I never though of you as a murderer, but...yeah.' Joel said. 'If you really need this, want this, it'll all come together nicely. You just need to want it enough.'

I sat in silence, and shock. I really thought I'd gotten away with it. 

Hold on...If Katia told Joel, who else could she have told?

Oh, shit. Here we go again, I thought.

Yet more stress and worry. Maybe Joel was right, I will have to go with him.

'Ok fine, I'll come...But only  because i wanna know if she's been making a habit out of telling people what happened.' I said flatly.

'I doubt it...She's not that stupid.' Joel said.

'Its nothing to do with whether she's that stupid or not...Its everything to do with how angry at me she is.' I told him. 'What if she hates me enough to tell the whole truth?'

Joel had no answer. He knew it was possible.

'I will try Avery. Your my bro dude. No matter what.'

We both stood up and began to walk towards the front door, I'm still not sure why but when we got there we got in the car and drove into town.

Joel parked in an overnight car park and said, 'We'll be too wrecked to drive home.' And walked off.

'So your plan is to get drunk?' I asked. 'Seriously. Your supposed to be helping Joel!'

'Yeah, I've made a plan, it starts tomorrow. For now though, we drink.' He said pointing at what turned out to be the pub we went to.

He went straight to the bar and ordered two pints. He gave me one and we sat at a table.

As he sat down he let out a heavy sigh. 'I gotta tell you bro, You sure can keep things quiet. I'm impressed.' He said raising his eyebrows and taking a drink.

'Impressed? What is there to be impressed about Joel? I killed people.' I said making sure I whispered the last part...That could have ended badly.

'You know what I mean. I got a question for you Avery. Benji was with Sunita right?' Joel asked.

I nodded.

'Well wasn't she in the same woods when she went missing? The same woods where you...You know... Was it you?'

'Was what me?'

'Did you kill Sunita?'

'What? No!' I said.

 'Avery...' Was all Joel said.

I paused for at least a minute. Well, that's what it felt like..

'Ok right I will talk to you about that later.'

 Joel just looked at me. 'You did...Didn't you?'

I couldn't look at him, I turned away and just looked around the pub.

Joel started to raise a hand to his mouth. 'What? Why?'

'I said later!' I spat at him.

'OK!' He huffed. 'But promise me something.'

'Ok...' I said.

'Tell me the truth, the first time I ask you from now on.' He said blankly.

'Ok I promise.' I said. I didn't know if I was gonna keep that promise though. Just like every other promise I make, I always break it.

No matter what the promise is, or who to, I just seem incapable of keeping them.

'I promise I'll wait for you...' I'd said to Katia when I visited her in prison.

I even knew in my head then that I wasn't gonna keep that promise.

Probably gonna be the same this time. Sorry Joel, I don't know what it is but I just can't control myself sometimes, good job you cant read my thoughts, you'd feel instantly sick...

 After an hour or so, Joel stood up. 'Let's go!' He said.

'Er, you can't drive.' I said.

'I know. That's why I parked over there. Its overnight parking.' Joel explained.

We started walking and decided to cut through the estates to get back to Joel's place. 'Crash at mine for the night if you like.' He'd said.

I accepted this offer.

When we got in Joel passed me a beer out of his fridge.

'So you can explain now.' He said.


'Sunita.' he said.

'Oh, Joel... do we have to?' I moaned.

'You promised.' Joel said.

I sighed heavily.





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