Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The lie I came up with:

'Look Benji. I was in the woods last night because Sunita rang me, and asked me to.' I lied.

'Why?' He asked.

'She was scared and those two missed calls you had last night, that you didn't answer to because you "don't answer to unknown numbers", was probably her. That's most likely why she rang me. I went down to check everything was safe and that everyone was OK.' I explained.

The the rest of my lie shortly followed.

'I told Conner to keep his hands off Sunita and he ran off. I reassured myself she was going to be ok by asking at least a hundred times if she was OK. I even offered her a lift back into town if she didn't feel like staying out. But she said, 'Its OK, Now Conner''s gone I'll be fine.'.' I explained. 

I'm good at this 'lying' thing when I need to be.

'I don't believe you Avery.' Benji said flatly.

OK, so I thought I was good at lying.

''Benji, i'm telling you the truth.' I said.

'So why didn't you say that before?' Benji shouted.

'Because I thought you wouldn't believe me, like you don't now!' I shouted back.

'You're damn right I don't! I shouldn't!'

'Why's that?!' I shouted.

'Coz I know you're lying!' He almost screamed at me. He took three very deeps breaths then lowered his voice to say, 'just tell me the truth.'

So I did.

I told Benji everything. I didn't tell him I slept with her though. He did find out one day though. I made the mistake of telling someone who I thought was a good friend of mine.

But he went behind my back. Benji wasn't too bothered though.

And Benji never grassed me up. He didn't tell a soul. Not even when I told him in detail what I did to her. He just sat silently and listened. Nodding his head. Actually taking it in.

 I was shocked. Why didn't he care?

Was it because he found out she cheated on him?

Fell out of love with her?

Maybe I'll never know. Well its not like he can tell me now.

He's dead.

'1 Question...' Benji said. 'Why did you feel the need to kill Sunita. Its not like she was a threat to anyone. All she did was cheat on me.'

'I don't know Benji. When I was there it kinda just...Happened. I know that's not a good enough explanation but it's the best I can do right now. I'm still confused about it myself, bro.' I said.

That was true. I was still confused. And I genuinely don't know why I felt the need to kill her. This time I was telling the truth. I doubt he'll believe it though.

He decided to drop the subject for a while. About 2 hours... we just sat and watched crappy TV drinking beers out the fridge.

Then he said, 'I don't think I'll ever understand you Avery. I know your my brother and everything but...I just...You shock me, dude. I'm your brother and I love you. I'm not going to say anyone. I trust you had your reasons, and I don't fault you or blame you for any of this. So lets just get back to college and forget about this yeah?' He said.

'Seriously? Just like that, your gonna drop it and blank it from your mind, like it never happened?'

'Yep.' Said Benji standing up. 'Now, I'm gonna go pee. Lighten up yeah?' He said as he walked out the room.

 I sat in shock.

Did he really just say that?

He was just gonna let it go. I suppose its not a bad thing though. At least I won't get found out, unless he breaks.

Or I break.

So Benji knew everything all along. At the funeral, standing next to me, comforting my mother with me, knowing what I did.

I knew he wasn't gonna tell anyone, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't break one day. I realized that, so I had to kill him. Just in case.

I couldn't risk being found out.


'You're telling me that Benji knew everything?' Asked Joel.

'Yeah. I had to tell him. He wasn't bothered though.'

'So if he wasn't bothered, and wasn't gonna say anything. Why did you kill him?' Asked Joel

'What?!' I shouted. 'I did not kill Benji!' I lied.

I'd told Joel everything about Sunita and afterwards. But not about Marla and Benji and...well, all them lot. I didn't even mention them.

'Avery. I'm not a fucking idiot!' He said, sounding a little too calm. 'I know you did. You forget who was working with you on this...My step sister. She saw you slit Benji's throat. I went to see her and she told me everything. I  know about Marline, or whatever her name was. Those Spanish twins, those guys you used to hang with at college, Phoebe, Richard.....And Laura.'

She'd told him everything. 

I'm definitely not getting away with this now.

Hey, I'm Avery,

And I'm fucked...

'Joel...' I began to say but he interrupted me.

'I don't know what your'e about to say, and I don't care. I trusted you dude. I didn't think you were capable of this. The worst thing is, I dunno what to do. Whether to remain your friend or drop you in it.'

Why was he saying this?

'I know how good you were at pretending to love Katia, pretending to be everyone's friend when really all you wanted was to kill them. How do I know you're not planning to do the same to us? Were you planing on killing Katia too?!'

'Joel, I wouldn't. That's all behind me. You guys are my life. I wouldn't hurt any of you. Ever.' I said.

'How can I believe you though?' He asked quietly.

'You'll just have to trust me, because I swear to you, I mean it this time.' I said.

 I really did mean it. 

These guys mean everything to me. I'd never hurt them.

 I really need to prove it somehow.

I know what they'd want me to do to prove it... Turn myself in.

'Avery? Can I ask you for a favor?' Joel asked. I nodded. 'Make sure no one knows Katia is my step sister. None of those guys know.'

I wasn't entirely sure why he wanted that to stay quiet, but I promised him I wouldn't say anything, as my way of proving how much his friendship means to me.

Since I started hanging with these guys I haven't had dark thoughts. I've been scared, yeah. But only scared that they'd find out what I did, and never see me again, or grass me up and have me arrested.

 I just want this all to end. Or go back in time and make sure none of these guys ever saw that photo. If it wasn't for that, and the fact I ended up being best friends with Katia's step brother, I'd still be in the clear. What if someone lets something slip. 

What if Joel is planning something against me?




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