Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

In the police station, I was sat in a small interview room with two detectives, asking me shit loads of crap that wasn't relative to the situation.

He changed the subject, 'So, you were with Joel and Kay...'

'Kai.' I corrected him.

'Sorry, Kai. You were with them in Joel's kitchen just before she died.' He asked.

'Yes.' I said. 'Then I left her with Joel and I went home.'

'then what?' He asked, putting his pen down, sitting back and folding his arms over his chest.

'Well I was just about to make dinner when Joel came round saying he'd lost Kai in Rainy Vale when they went looking for me. They thought I might have been there.' I explained.

'What exactly did he say?' The other detective asked.

'Well he knocked on my door and asked me if I'd seen her. I told him I hadn't then he started panicking, so I asked him to explain what had happened.' I said.

'What did he say had happened?' One of the detectives asked.

'That he and Kai had gone into Rainy vale looking for me because they thought I might be there. They split up so they could find me quicker but he lost her and came to mine to see if i was here to help find her.' I said.

'What made them think you might be there?' 

'Well, with my brother dying recently-ish, I had a few things on my mind, and they know I sometimes go there when I need space...Time alone.' I said.

'But you hadn't gone there...You went home?' 


They both looked at each other and the female detective nodded.

'Right, Mr Spencer. We're done with you now, you may leave. We could contact you in the next few weeks in case there's anything else we need to know. But if you find out any information call me straight away. We're not seeing Kai's death as "suspicious" but we do need to know everything we can possibly find out. You have my number? I gave it to you already didn't I?' He actually smiled at me after explaining.

'Ok, yes sir, I do.' I said,as I nodded with the piece of paper with his number written on it in my hand.. 

'Thanks for your time.' He called after me as I left. I awkwardly turned round, gave a weak smile and said goodbye.

 I went outside and decided to wait for Joel. They were still interviewing him in there, I sat on a wall and lit up a cigarette while I waited.

When Joel came out he said, 'They took their time with me didn't they?'

'Doesn't necessarily mean anything.' I said.

'Maybe they think that because I was with her in the Vale that i pushed her...' He said, panicking now.

'Joel, man, calm down. It'll be OK. You told them you split up to find me quicker right?' He nodded in response. 'There you go then. That's what I told them too, our stories match, we're innocent anyway...we'll be fine.' I said.

We got a taxi back to the Vale to pick up Joel's car, then drove home. We sat down on my sofa with a beer each. 'Avery...' Joel said.

'Yeah.' I replied.

'You didn't push her did you?' 

'What?! NO! Joel how can you...'

'OK OK, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Maybe we should ring the guys, tell them the news...' Joel suggested.

'Yeah.' I got out my phone and rang Ash, 'Hey bring everyone to mine, its urgent. We have some bad news.' I simply said.

'The reply I got was, 'Ok, see you soon.'

 When everyone got there...Emily, Ava, Ash, Joel, Hayden and me all sat round the table. 'Erm, guys...'

'Where's Kai?' Ava noticed the missing girl and commented.

'Yeah, how come she's not here?' asked Emily.

'That's the thing...Er, earlier today, Kai and Joel went into Rainy Vale, trying to find me, but er, Joel kinda lost Kai and well...It looked like she fell down some cliffs...She's dead guys.' I said. I actually felt sad.

I didn't realize how sad until a tear fell down my cheek.

Joel put his hand on my shoulder. Emily and Ava were almost in tears already and Hayden just kinda froze in place. Ash had put his head in his hands...'What? Oh my god...' 

'We've been at the police station for ages giving a statement...I'm sorry...' I just didn't know what to say.

I decided to let everyone stay as late as they wanted, we sat at drank a lot of beer, had a good chat about the funny times we had with Kai. Even though I was the one who killed her, It was hard. I felt bad.

'Remember when she threw that ash tray at Simon?' Joel said.

'Who?' I asked.

'Simon, her ex...This was before we met you i think actually...' Said Hayden.

'I remember that. I'm the one who had to gather all the pieces after!' Laughed Joel. He was opening the fridge to grab myself and him another beer.

It was almost 1 am in the morning. 'Wow...Its late' I said. 

Emily shrugged. 'Oh, well.'

We turned back to the conversation.

We all had a chat and a laugh about the stupid shit Kai had done in her time.

Not only was she beautiful but she was talented too. I'm such a dick!

Why do i insist on doing stupid things??

Sometimes its almost like an urge, to hurt someone.

I really don't know why I'd hurt Kai...'She was truly an amazing person really...I just lost my temper a little earlier.' I said, not realizing I was thinking out loud.

'What?' Asked Ava.

'Lost your temper earlier?' Said Hayden

'What did you do earlier, Avery?' Ash asked with a very stern voice...

 Everyone sat still, looking at me. All I could hear was their breathing...

Great...what do I say now?




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