Reichenbach Falls

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My name...well, my name's not that important now. It will be later, but right now it's just in the back. I've gone by a lot of names since I started this game, and I remember them all. It's important to remember any name you've gone by, for a time that name was a part of you. Those names, my names, are ones I must always remember. It helps keep order in my complicated past.

I'm the Last of my kind. Now, I know what you're thinking. The Klempari Defence. I have to be lying. Or, you are thinking 'another story about some girl who's the last of her kind and then goes on adventures with the Doctor, but she's actually just a lost Time Lady? Chameleon Circuit, or just plain ignorance?'

That's partly true. I am a girl, I did find out I was a Time Lady, and I do travel with the Doctor. It would be heartbreaking, if that was the species I was talking about. My people, I don't even have a name for them. For a while, I thought I was the last, but what seems more likely now is that I'm the First.

I'm the First of my kind. Bet you haven't heard that one yet. (If you have, shut up. This is my story, and I'll tell it how I like!)

I'm a subspecies of the human race, with a little quirk. Whenever I want, I can jump to the universe of my choosing. Any movie I see, I can be a part of. Same goes for books and videogames. It's why I call my kind Jumpers, because we jump into the universe, not creative but I was ten when I did the name.

I've been on my own for awhile, picked up a partner or two in days gone by. My sister, Darcy Anderson, was off bounty hunting. She's complicated.

When I go to places, it's not just me appearing. It's me taking the place of the me in that universe, backstory and all. I'll get the memories of that person, but in flashes (and usually right before I need them, kinda sucks to be honest). The families of the me in that universe I call Dummy-Families, they follow what I say almost to the letter. It ticked me off, until I found out why they're Dummy-Parents. That had been a fun day.

Anyway. Darcy was a unique case. Nowhere, in any universe I jumped, had there been a sister for me. An identical twin sister at that. She didn't curve to my Dummy-Parent demand to stay out of a dangerous fight, instead charging in headfirst. I guess you could say she was the first to gain sentience. I told her all about my powers, and asked if she wanted to come with me. Like I said, I'd never had a sister before and I had always wanted one. She had said yes before I could even finish talking. It was kinda funny, to be honest.

Darcy was a good kid, one of the best.

Another fun feature of Jumpers, I'm essentially immortal. My physical form doesn't jump to the universe, just my mental one. I live a couple of years in the universe, have some fun and save the day, then I go Home to find barely an hour has passed. I once spent a whole decade in a cartoon, and came Home to find myself ten again.

You'll notice I used the age ten a lot. That was when I first found out what I was, first discovered my powers. Literally, it was my tenth birthday. I was watching a movie with my family, and suddenly found myself in the universe of Monsters, Inc. It took me awhile to realize they weren't just very vivid dreams. It was a reality separate to my own, a whole other world just a blink away.

It got lonely, hence why I picked up Darcy.

Now, comes the part most of you came here for. Doctor Who. I had seen my brothers watching the show before, not noticing much about it. At first, I thought it was a new show based on a comic book. My first episode had been Angels Take Manhattan.

So of course, as I person with a severe hero complex, I had to come to Doctor Who.

It took a couple of months to get the whole thing together. Watching the series three times over, figuring out my Plans for certain episodes, and doing research on the show itself.

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