Parting of Ways

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The Daleks hadn't stopped their chanting.

My hands reached over to Rose and Dakota. They took gentle hold of their wrists. They turned to me, fear growing in their eyes.

"It'll be okay. The Doctor's never abandoned us before, Dakota, I doubt he'll start now. If he does, I'll punch him until he gets it right." I promised.

This didn't assure Dakota much. The corner of Rose's lip tilted up for a near smile.

The Dalek behind us didn't agree with joy. If anything it made him angry. "You know the Doctor." It ranted behind me. Dakota and Rose trembled in fear. Rolling my eyes, I turned my head towards the Dalek. "You understand him. You will predict his actions."

Unfortunately for the Dalek, I'd been having a bad day. "Nah. Don't feel like it." I replied, dryly.

It didn't like that. He rolled closer, aiming the plunger at me. "Predict! Predict! Predict!"

"Nah. I don't feel like it." I repeated.

Before the insane Dalek could explode in mad rage, a second Dalek saved his life.

"TARDIS detected in flight." It reported.

The first Dalek relaxed. He back away from me, lowering the plunger as he did so. "Launch missiles. Exterminate."

"You can't!" Rise cried out. I glared back at her. Dakota was starting to shake. "The TARDIS hasn't got any defences."

"Don't tell them that!" I snapped.

"They're going to kill him!" Rose argued back.

"The human female has predicted correctly." The Dalek informed.

I hissed at the Dalek.

They brought up the viewscreen again. It focused on the missiles. They were quickly approaching the TARDIS. Rose gasped when they exploded. Dakota pulled in Rose for a hug. I stayed in a defense position in front of them.

The Daleks went back to their plans. Their Predatory was gone. They could continue unhindered.

Except they forgot they were dealing with me.

"Terra, what are we gonna do?" Rose asked. Her words were thick with pain.

Dakota took my wrist in her hand. She gripped it so tight I think my knuckles were turning as white as her's. "They killed the Doctor. We'll never stop the Masters now."

My tongue clicked to shut them up. "Ten seconds. Stand by." They were surprised at my lack of grief.

"What?" Dakota and Rose gawked.

"Ten seconds. Stand by." I flipped Dakota's hold on my wrist, taking a firm hold of her wrist. My other hand grabbed Rose to pull her closer.

Rose made a noise of protest. She was just about to shout when the TARDIS engine whirred around us. Dakota yelped in fear, curling up closer to me. My hair started flying about in the created breeze.

We weren't tight enough to keep the Dalek out.

The TARDIS phased to existence around us. The coral seemed to shine brighter than I'd ever seen it. There was this odd feeling in my mind. It felt like I was in two places at once, with my Time Lord sense unable to tell them apart. In the TARDIS, on a Dalek ship, in the TARDIS, on a Dalek ship, in, on, in, on-in-on-in-on-in-on-in-on-in.





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