Bad Wolf

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AN: You will all hate me, this is a fact. Or at least it's this writer's dream.


There was cold metal on my face.

Not an odd way to wake up as of late. The Doctor's dragged his companion and mine into some weird situations. Then again, sometimes I ran into them first. Can I really be blamed for that stuff? I don't think so.

My head felt odd. Not in the way of metal on face. My head felt as if I had run into the metal, repeatedly. There was some ringing noise. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. My two hearts-since when did I have those?- were pounding at my chest in a way that should have been painful.

I tried to push myself to my feet. For some reason, I was sluggish. Had I just woken up early? Storyline I hope not. After yesterday-what happened yesterday?- I needed my beauty sleep.

Memories were trickling back. More who, where, how, why. Not in any order that helped.

A man walked up to my side. He a lean man, with light brown hair. He was wearing a headset, and had a clipboard in his hands.

"Alright. Let's get you ready for camera." He waved over some ladies. They held makeup brushes, and kits.

There was something I didn't like about this. I couldn't remember what.

I tried to push the women away. They pushed back. They started putting makeup on my face. All in all, it was horrifying.

"Where am I?" I growled at the man.

"It's alright. It's just the transmat." He instructed, in a way that said he had done this a hundred times before. "It's messes your head up. What's your name?"

"Where am I?"

"Come on, sweetheart, play along. What's your name?"

"None of your business!" I shouted as the makeup ladies put makeup around my eyes. It was awful and disgusting. It felt like wet clay had been slapped on my face.

He sighed. The makeup ladies finished with me, walking away. It was a small relief. "Okay, fine. What's the last thing you remember?"

"Jack." I admitted. Then I paused, wondering. Had the last thing really been sitting in my room crying over my ghosts? "We...we had just..."

No...wait...they were coming back. Slowly. Surely. Achingly.

"Blon. We took her home." 'Myself, crying silently. Jack squeezing my shoulder. The Doctor watching. Rose smiling, bumping her hip against the Doctor's so he would smile.' "I was upset. So the Doctor-" 'I have a nickname for that bastard. What was it?' "-took us to World War II Japan. It's a favorite of...of mine?"

The man nodded along as if it were normal. "See? It's coming back. Let's get you on your mark."

We had been in the TARDIS. Right? Yes. I had been anxious as we left. Because...because something was coming. I knew something was coming. Something bad...Something bad, happening in Oz. Under the surface, behind the scenes, something bad...

What was going to go wrong?

No. Wrong question.

What had already gone wrong?

He pushed me towards this walkway. At the end of it was a large door, where I could see an auditorium. The room was lit in golden orange, with roaming spotlights.

A new man, with dark auburn hair and deep brown eyes, in a suit walked up to the center of the room, to a clear table. He looked up at what I assumed was a camera.

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