Chapter 4| Nothing Makes Me Happy

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This is chapter four. You may have missed chapter three: experiment. It has been marked private. Ask me if you would like to read it.
Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock rang away and I silently prayed that it would turn off and go away on its own. It was too much effort to invest on getting up to turn it off myself. But after a while, the noise became irritable and I knocked it off my nightstand with a grunt. It broke. That was the third one this month. Mom was going to be pissed.

I zombie walked out of bed and opened my curtains to see if things would be any different today. Nope. There are a bunch of shit birds in the sky and some shit deers just went running by. I sighed. It was getting worse. It looks like it was time to cook up one of my home remedies. I opened the bottom drawer of my dresser and pulled out a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey and took a deep chug of the burning alcohol. Good thing I was such a lightweight because it didn't take much to get me tipsy. Next I pulled out a bag of weed and I took a clump of it and put it on my phone and began to break it up into little pieces so that they would fit into my pipe. When that chore was done, I took my lighter and my pipe, opened my window and I blazed up. I was so glad marijuana was legal in Colorado. It was the whiskey that was troublesome to get my hands on.

Almost seven years ago, on the day after my tenth birthday, I mentally matured beyond my age, so to speak. All of my old interests and even my friends were no longer appealing to me. Even worse was that I couldn't find any new things to peek my interest either. And to top things off, I literally saw everything as shit. Because I could see what the world truly was. Shit. There's no point to anything. Not even myself. That always fucked me up. A tear escaped my eyes and slid down my cheek.

I have found a way to cope but it wasn't ideal. I haven't really been sober very much at all for the past seven years. Thanks to an encounter with some Aspergers patients, I had found the cure to depression. Booze. But unfortunately, it was temporary and really hard for a minor to get. I usually paid a homeless guy to get it for me but South Park was anti-homeless so they were rare. About four years ago though, I found out about the joys of marijuana from my old friend, Towelie. He always seemed to have an abundance of weed to go around and didn't mind giving it out for free. Most days I could just get by smoking but around this time of year I needed my booze to help me function through the day.

After I was done drugging up, I ate some Lucky Charms for breakfast and I drove to school in my Volkswagen Jetta 1997. I walk through the main entrance of South Park High and I look around. Nope, none of my friends were here yet. I shuffle to my first period class and I slink down to sit by the door and I sigh. God, today was going to suck. I watch what some of the other students are doing to pass the time.

Jimmy was handing out school newspapers to some of the students. Clyde was hitting on Bebe. Craig and Tweek were making out. I watched them for awhile. It warmed my heart to see how progressive society had become towards gay people. To be able to kiss in the hallway without judgement was a huge step in the right direction. I wondered when my best friend Kyle was going to come out. I knew he was gay from the time we kissed. He was blushing so hard that night that he resembled a ruby red apple. I really wanted him to come out and be happy but I couldn't pressure him to do it. I don't know what was holding him back though.

Cartman walked by and I didn't bother to acknowledge him. I didn't really enjoy his presence because he always started shit. Especially with Kyle. Maybe it was him that was preventing Kyle from coming out. Cartman was a bigot towards anybody who wasn't a heterosexual, white male. He was muttering something to himself and I attempted to eavesdrop. "No, Cupid Me! I'm not gay! I don't like K..." I couldn't make out whatever he was saying. What the hell was a Cupid Me? I'm not high enough to figure this out.

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