Chapter 5| Secrets Revealed

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I laid there on Stan's bed rubbing his black hair with my fingers. He snored quietly. I smiled warmly. He was so cute when he slept. Most people found snoring to be obnoxious. But when it was Stan it was endearing and adorable. The smile melted off my face as I remembered what he said to me not too long ago.

I knew he was bad. I just didn't know he was this depressed. Nothing makes him happy? Does that mean my friendship for the past several years meant nothing to him? Did he not enjoy my company? Why would he say something so hurtful to my face like that? Well I knew why. He had downed a bottles worth of whisky before I arrived. I'm sure it was the alcohol talking but how much of what he said was true?

I pushed myself up and I placed a kiss on his forehead. I closed the door quietly and I walked out of his house and into my car. I sat in there for a while. I really wanted to help Stan but I didn't know how. Taking away his drugs would just make him angry and he would be forced to 'see the world for what it really was'. His words, not mine. But he wasn't making progress just by being under the influence all the time. He's wasted seven years of his life just trying to fight through the days. He wasn't doing anything to build a future for himself. And school was almost over for us. Just one more year. How do you help someone who was depressed?

I couldn't think about this right now. It was too sad. I didn't feel like going to school. There was too much on my mind. I decided I would go back to the mall. I wanted to get him a couple more presents for his birthday. It didn't really matter what else I got him because Kenny had given me the concert tickets this morning. I looked in my rear view mirror, checking for oncoming traffic when I saw Cartman walking down the sidewalk. Against my better judgement, I rolled down my window and called out to him. He looked up at me startled. Apparently he was in deep thought before I interrupted him.

"Jewboy! What are you doing out of school?!" He asked.

"Get in! I'll tell you," I said. He walked to the passenger door and hopped in. I really didn't like Cartman but I didn't want to be alone right now. Thinking about Stan was really bumming me out.

"More importantly, why are you out of school?" I asked him.

"I...uh...couldn't focus," he said.

"That's never stopped you before," I teased.

"Shut the fuck up, Kahl! Why aren't you in school?! Why are you in front of Stan's house?! Planning to raid his panty drawer?!" He yelled. I laughed. When he got angry, which was all the time, he would throw his fists around wildly. He looked like an angry teddy bear and it was hilarious.

"No, fatass! Wendy broke up with him and I came to comfort him."

"Good. I hate him. He deserves to be sad," he said triumphantly. I ignored that.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me?"

"Woah, bro! That's a sissy girl activity."

"I'm just buying presents for Stan's birthday. We're not going clothes shopping or anything."

"Still sounds pretty gay."

I sighed, "I'll buy you food if you come."

"Sweet!" He buckled his seatbelt and I drove us to the mall. He complained about my driving the whole way there, saying remarks that Jews shouldn't be allowed licenses and that gingers couldn't drive for shit. It was ironic because Cartman failed his driving test three times so far.

My first stop was Gamestop. Cartman ditched me to go browse the Xbox games. I regretfully go to the Playstation side of the store. I don't know why but Stan was a Sony Boy. It was one of the three things I didn't like about Stan. The other two were his drug and alcohol addictions and his farts. His farts were putrid and he always felt comfortable around me to let them rip. I think I mostly hated his farts because I was such a neat freak and I couldn't handle gross things. Speaking of farts, I could feel Cartman looming behind me.

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