Chapter 3

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Papyrus came running back into the room and handed you a plate full of fresh spaghetti. You took it shyly and looked at Sans who was leaning on the door frame. He have you a thumbs up and left. You gulped and brought the fork to your mouth. Taking a bite of the spaghetti, it actually was pretty good! You continued to eat until it was all gone. Wiping your mouth with your arm. You handed the plate back to Papyrus who had been watching you. "I-It's was nice. Thank you" you say quietly. He gasped happily as stars lit up in his eyes. "OF COURSE YOU WOULD! I MADE IT AFTER ALL!" He says happily taking the plate and leaving. There seemed to be a pirate flag on the wall next to a desk with a computer. There were also many action figures around. You felt something that you haven in a long time. You felt safe and sercure. Mostly at least. You knew you couldn't stay, they wouldn't allow it. A least they've helped you. Papyrus walked back into the room as you turned to him. "DO YOU FEEL BETTER?" He asks. "Y-Yer... I guess" you say quietly. "GREAT! I'LL LET YOU REST!" He smiled turning off the light as he exited again. He closed the door after mumbling something. You shrugged it off and laid back down in the soft bed. Letting a sigh out, you slowly drifted off to sleep.

You opened your eyes, but you weren't in Papyrus room anymore. Looking around, you seemed to be in some sort of forest, but there was snow everywhere. "Huh? Where am I?!" You ask yourself. Standing up you rubbed your arms, trying to generate some heat. It was quiet cold. Looking around, you decided to walk. You kept walking, and there seemed to be some dust lying around on the snow in a few places. You eventually arrived in a small town, it was empty, and quiet. Shivers ran down your spine as you kept going. "Where is everyone? M-Maybe it's just an abandoned town?" You say. You could soon hear a voice, a familiar, loud one. But a wall of fog blocked your view. Shivering frontage cold, you walked through. The voice was close, it was definitely him. "Papyrus?" You call out. "YOUR LIFE IS GOING DOWN A DANGEROUS PATH!" You hear him say. Coming into a clearing, you finally spot him, and a smaller girl. She wore a green and yellow sweater, with short brown hair. But what caught your eye most was her piercing red eyes and the Knife she carried. It was covered in dust..."Wait a minute..." You mumble. "Don't monsters turn to dust when they die! So shes-" you told yourself, but a slashing sound cut you from your thoughts. (See what I did there😋). Your eyes widened to see a large cut mark through Papyrus' chest. "PAPYRUS!" You yell, but he didn't hear you. "But... You can do a little better... I promise" he says before turning to dust. Your eyes stood wide in shock. The girl turned to you as you ran up to her. "What's your problem?!" You yell shoving her. She didn't answer, she just laughed and tossed the knife at you. You caught it and she disappeared. "What just happened..." You mutter. Looking back over, nothing but his red scarf remained. "P-Papyrus?!" Sans ran past you and over to the pile of dust. He kneeled and clutched the scarf, crying into it. "Sans. I-" he threw the scarf around his neck and turned to you, enraged. "YOU! You dirty brother killer!" He yells. You looked at the knife and gasped. "Sans! Wait! It wasn't me! I didn't do this! I swear!" You yell. His right eye stared glowing blue as two large skull creatures appeared behind you. They shot large rays of light at you.

Sitting up fast you screamed, papyrus then burst through the door and basically launched himself at you. Your breathing was heavy as he shook you. "WHATS WRONG HUMAN?!" You finally look at him. "I-It was just a bad dream" he assures hugging you. You just hugged back. "I'm sorry" you mumbled. "It's okay... Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly. "U-Um... Later?" You ask. He nodded and left.

You had to get out of here.

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