Chapter 8

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"All I need, is to see your soul! And I'll do the rest!" Flowey smiles. "What?! If you think I'll do that, your out of your depth!" Sans snaps. "But! If your in danger! Papyrus will regret leaving you! He'll feel bad and want to care for you!" Flowey states. Sans thought about it.

"Okay Flowey. We have a deal" sans says.

"Good" Flowey snickers.

-readers POV-

You felt pain all through your body. You tried opening your eyes but a blinding light stopped you. "Y/N?! ARE YOU AWAKE?!" You smiled as you heard that voice. "Yer pap. I'm okay. Just a bit sore" you smile sitting up. "A-Are you feeling o-okay?" A small yellow dinosaur wearing glasses and a lab coat asked. "Y-Yer" you sigh. Looking around. You seemed to be in a medical room. "G-great! Papyrus, y-you can take her home n-now" Alphys says as Papyrus gleams. On a quick swish.  He was holding you bridal style. "LET US GO!" He smiles running out. You held onto him tightly. He walked all the way back. With you laying in his arms. "Home sweet home!" He sighs. Taking a deep breathe he opened the door. "SANS?" He calls out. The house was dark. He placed you down as you walked towards the table. "PAPYRUS!!!" You yell. He came running around the corner and gasped.

Sans laid against the wall. Multiple vines struck through his chest. He was also held down by more vines. His skull was slightly cracked and his arm was missing. You ran over and started pulling the vines out of his chest. Luckily, only one had just scraped one of his ribs. You noticed a faint blue glow in his chest. You pulled the jumper and shirt off. You gasped quietly. "That's his soul" Papyrus whispers crouching next to you. You gently reached for it. It was slightly cracked and had a little faint of blue in the middle, it was faded to a grey colour around the outside. "He's. Still Alive" Papyrus sighs relived. "I shouldn't have been mad at him. I should've listened to him" Papyrus mumbles sadly. You say little orange tears start to well up on the corner  of his eye sockets. "It's okay. He'll be okay" you assure. You lightly grasped it, afraid it would shatter in your hands. You held it. It was, soft, squishy, and cold. Papyrus held his hand outside his chest as his orange soul appears. It was a bright orange that gave off a nice glow. Touching it carefully. It was warm, unlike sans'. Moving your attention back to Sans' soul. You felt something. Like you knew what to do. Holding it in both hands, you concentrated hard.

All of the sudden, you were in a white room.

There was a large black gate that would be impossible to climb over. On the other side, you saw a figure sitting down, there entire body was black, instead for their eyes and mouth. The figure turned,

It was sans. You rushed to the black gate and tried to reach for him. "Sans!" You shout. You could almost touch his back. "Please! Come on! Papyrus and I are sorry! Please come back! For your brother!" You shout stretching your arm as far through as possible.

.....Sans turned.....

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