The end

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You sat up, breathing heavily, your eyes darting around. You seemed to be in a nice cozy room. A race car bed you found familiar somehow. You looked around the room. Flags, figures. You went to move when a pain coursed through your chest. The door opened slowly as you laid back down. You sighed in relief seeing Papyrus walk in quietly. "Y/n?!" He yells rushing towards you. He hugged you tightly as you hugged him back. "You're awake!" He says relieved. "How long was I out?" You ask. "Four days" he says quietly. "What happened?" You mumble. He sighed heavily and turned his head. "The humans... They turned against us... A war broke out. We are sealed underground" He explains.

Sealed underground?!

Would you ever see the surface again?!

What's going to happen?!

Your thoughts where interrupted when a hand landed on your shoulder.

"Y/n... There's something I have to tell you" Papyrus says quietly. "I-... I've developed feelings for you... When you passed out, I was so scared you'd never wake up again..." He murmurs as you felt blood rush to your cheeks. "W-What I'm trying to say is... I like you, I like you a lot Y/n" He says, his face a bright orange. You smiled and leant forward. Hugging him tightly. I like you to" You smile as you felt his arms wrap around your smaller frame. He pulled away as you looked up at him. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a cold surface touch your lips. Your eyes widened as you realized he was kissing you. You leant into it and pulled yourself closer. You could feel his souls warmth against your chest. You eventually broke for air, panting quietly. He smiles down at you as you returned it. He hugged you close again as you rested against his chest. You heard the door creak open as you looked past Papyrus. Sans stood at the door, looking relieved when he spotted you, but his eyes, they showed something else.


He came over as you stood shakily, your legs felt like jelly as you slowly stood. "Good to see you're okay kiddo" He chuckles helping you balance. "Y-Yeah" you mutter steadying yourself. Papyrus stood and smiled down at you. "Well I hope you don't mind the snow" Sans chuckles walking back out of the room as you looked up at Papyrus confused. His glove hand held yours as he directed you out the room and down the stairs. You looked out one of the windows in the small cozy house to see a snowy forest. Memories from those dreams flashed as you hesitated to continue on. "Y/N?" Papyrus asks as you shake your head. He was staring down at you as you smiled. "Sorry" you laugh as he smiled, continuing to take you outside. You looked around and noticed the snowy area. Papyrus lead you through the small town that you learnt was called 'snowdin'.  Monsters glared at you and snarled. You were afraid of them, the cold snow scrunching underneath your and papyrus' shoes. "WE'RE HERE HUMAN" he says happily as you see what you assumed was a sentry station. "Cool paps" You smile up at him. He beamed and walked over. "I MADE IT" he smiles proudly knocking it. It crumbled as you stared at the pile of wooden planks and wood laying in the snow. Papyrus stared down at it with a sad frowned. You giggled and walked over. "We can build it together" You smile picking up a plank as he blushed lightly.

After around two hours of building, you successfully rebuilt the station. You huffed and dusted your hands. "Well, we had to put a lot of backbone into that" You smirk as Papyrus glared at you. "NOOOOOO!" He whines tackling you to the snow. You laughed as he glared down at you. "NO PUNS!" He yells poking your nose as a bit of snow landed on your head. You laughed as he chuckled.


Suddenly your vision was clouded with white and a bit of red  as you were surrounded by cold. Papyrus sat up as the large pile of snow fell off his back. "ARE YOU OKAY!?" He asks looking down at you worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine" You laugh. He leant down and quickly pecked your lips, standing up and lending a hand to you. You gladly took it and stood, snow falling off your clothes. "So, what now?" You ask. He seemed to have noticed something behind you. His face was filled with worry as you quickly turned. "SANS?" Papyrus asks. You heart skipped a beat.

"Hmm, inverted, he was mostly black with a bit of blue and yellow, had these weird blue strings, not a happy fellow"

It was him. The sans Death was talking about. "Papyrus, I think we should go" You said quietly. "Sans, what's wrong?" Papyrus asks. You grasped his boney arm as he looked down at you. "That's not our sans" You said as he looked back at the other sans. He just stood there, his head hung as he glitched. Papyrus nodded and you started running. If anyone could help it be sans. You ran past the monsters and into Papyrus' back as he came to a halt. "Pap?" You ask rubbing your cheek. He wasn't moving. You looked past him and gasped. The rest of snowdin was a black void. "What happened?" You whisper. All the monsters had fleed. Screaming in fear.


Both you and Papyrus spun around to come face to face with the glitches sans. He wore a wicked yellow smile as he stood a couple feet away. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Papyrus asks stepping in front of you protectively. A glitched laugh erupted from the sans as you hid behind papyrus.

"I-I'm sa-sans, bu-ut you c-can call me-me
E R R O R "

"Pap..." You whisper shakily. "Everything's going to be okay" Papyrus whispers as you nod. "H-how c-cute" Error mocks as you glare at him. You noticed he had blue string attached to his fingers, you followed them as they went all different directions. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Papyrus orders. Another glitched laugh.

"I w-want to des-destroy thi-is-s corrupted c-code"

You looked down and noticed the strings were all around you. You gasped as Error yanked his hands back, all the strings moved in one swift motion.


Sorry this took so long to write and publish, I hope you all enjoyed this story, please feel free to comment and recommend any stories. I'm thinking of doing some sort of septiplier story.

Thank you for all the great feedback and support during this, and I'll see you next time!

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