Chapter 5

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You had fallen asleep while Papyrus was telling you something. Sitting back up, you sighed.

Maybe I should leave, it'll do them a favour, I won't be in their way anymore.

You nodded to yourself. Dragging your legs off the bed, you stood shakily. Heading to the door. Sans wasn't home. And you couldn't hear Papyrus, so you guessed he was gone aswell. Walking around, you spotted a little tray full of coins and ten notes. You looked at the money and at the door. Bitting your lip. "Maybe... I should-" you whisper slowly reaching for the coins. But the sound of a door opening caught you off guard as you yanked your arm back and rushed for the couch. Jumping onto it, and pretending you had been lying there. "OH! YOU ARE AWAKE HUMAN!" Papyrus exclaims. You sit up and nod. "I'M GOING TO TRAIN WITH UNDYNE! SANS WILL HE BACK SOON!" He exclaims heading to the door as you watched him. "BYE!!" He says before leaving. You looked back at the tray with the money. And before you could even make a move. Sans walked in through the door startling you. He didn't say anything. Just glared. You watched carefully as made his way into the kitchen. You slowly stood and followed. Looking down at him, he opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of ketchup. Turning towards you and raising a skele-brow. "What?" He snaps. "I-I... Was um.... Just bored..." You sputter. He glared at you and pushed past to get to the couch. "Okay... Seriously! What did I do?!"you groan finally having enough. He slammed the bottle of ketchup on the tea table and disappeared. You were about to yell out to him when he suddenly pushed you into the wall, he stood In front of you with his right eye glowing a vicious blue. "You know EXACTLY what you did!" He growls. "I DONT!!!" You argue. You went to push off the wall but he kept you there. "Don't lie! I saw what you did to my bro! And I know your plans! You're just another dirty human who hates us!" He growls getting close to your face. Something in you snapped. "What?! I did NOTHING to papyrus! He's perfectly fine! I've done nothing!" You yell shoving him. "You K I L L E D him! I saw you!" He yells as his eye grew brighter. A blue aurora surrounded you as he picked you up. "And I will NOT let you hurt him! Not after we've made it this far!" He shout throwing you to the ground. Your body ached, you let out a painful yelp as the air was pushed from your lungs. You were tossed around everywhere, soon you were thrown into the kitchen when you hit a knife block. You rolled off the bench and onto the cold tiled floor. Blood was dripping from a lot of places on your body. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in you back as you heard metal falling to the ground. The knife block had fallen down and a large knife was stuck through your back. "I... D-Didn't do that! I-It was Chara! I t-thought it w-was just a d-dream! " you cough with the last of your air. Sans' angry expression quickly dropped. Realization hit him. Of course it would've been Chara! He gasped and rushed to you. But you picked up one of the knifes that had fallen an held it in front of you "S-STAY BACK!" You yell. Sans created that blue aurora again and lifted you. But he wasn't as angry. "Kid. Listen-"

"SANS!!! STOP!!!" A voice yelled. Sans' eyes widened in fear as he whipped around, looking at his brother who stood, horrified by what he was seeing. "P-Pap! I-"

"Put. Her. Down." Papyrus ordered angrily. Sans did so as you met the cold floor again. Gathering what strength you had. You stood. Your vision slowly returned, but your hearing was off. You watched as Papyrus stormed past his brother. You were afraid. You couldn't stay here! Quickly racing past both skeletons, you smashed the front door open. And you ran. And never looked back, or stopped until you collasped. You were in an alleyway until you couldn't take it anymore. The last thing you saw was some sort of yellow flower. And the last thing you heard:

"Well golly! I've been looking for you! Seems as though you found me! Welp! Times up here, have fun!"

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