Chapter 12

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You knew it wasn't just a dream. It was all too real. What if this was Chara's doing?! Was it a vision?! Or was it just a crazy nightmare? You sighed heavily, papyrus arms seemed to tighten. You looked up and realized he was staring at you. His cheeks started glowing orange as he looked to the side. "You okay Paps?" You ask pushing off him, but his arms brought you back into his chest. Holding you tightly. "Papyrus. What's wrong? You can tell me" you say softly. His eyes were locked with yours. He took a deep breathe and sighed. Before he could speak, the sound of glass smashing came from downstairs. You both rushed to the stairs when Papyrus stopped. You ran into his back and he almost fell down. "What is it Papyrus?" You ask. He started slowly walking down. You couldn't see past him so you just followed. One of the windows had smashed, and there was glass everywhere. But sans was no where to be found. "Papyrus... What happened" you ask quietly. He crouched and picked something up. He slowly turned around as your eyes widened. In his hand he held what looked like a part of a rib bone. It had red thorns stuck in it. "Oh no... Papyrus-" he turned quickly towards the door. "Flowey" was all he said. You ran out after him. "Papyrus! Sans could be anywhere! It could take us ages to find hi-" before you could finish, a large beam of Blue light shot out of the forest. "There he is. Come on" papyrus said picking you up. He started running at a very fast paste. And it wasn't long until you were placed down. "SANS!" You both shout seeing him slouched against a tree. Papyrus ran over. But you stood there shocked. Something wasn't right. "Papyrus! Wait!" You yell. He stopped and turned to you. Sans' head lifted and you gasped. "PAPYRUS GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" You shout grabbing his arm and tugging him away. Sans slowly stood and Papyrus stood with wide eye sockets. "S-S-Sans?" He shakily asks. "Hahahahahaha! You IDIOT" he chuckled. Papyrus stood in front of you in a protective stance. "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE FLOWEY! IM WARNING YOU!" Papyrus yells summoning bones. Floweys head popped out of sans' left eye socket. "P-P-Papyrus... P-please! R-R-Run! AH!" Sans begged with pleading eye sockets. Flowey had taken control of Sans. His vines wrapped around every bone. Most of his bones broken or hurt. His eyes were showing the pain he felt, while Flowey rested in the other. "You really are an IDIOT" Flowey laughs evilly. Sans' hand raised as Gaster blasters and bones were summoned. "Please Pap! R-Run!" Sans begged. "NO BROTHER! I WILL NOT LET YOU BE HURT LIKE THIS!" Papyrus yells as he summons his Gaster blasters. "Human. Please go" papyrus orders. "But Papyru-"

"Go! NOW!" He yells as he uses his magic to pick you up and toss you. Landing in some snow. You looked back before standing. "I'll get help" You mumble running back towards town. Getting close to their house, there was someone at the door. It was a tall fish lady. "That must be Undyne" you say running up to her. "UNDYNE!" You shout as she turns. "Oh! You must be
Y/N" she says turning around. "Sans is being controlled by Flowey! Him and Papyrus are fighting over in the woods! They need help!" You explain huffing. "WHAT?!" She yells. She pulls out her phone and calls someone. "ALPHYS! SANS IS BEING CONTROLLED BY FLOWEY!!! HURRY!" She yells into the phone before hanging up. "Take me there now!" She orders as you start running.

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