Chapter 16

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\ papyrus view /

"F-Flowey! Let's talk a-about this" I stutter as the vines tightened around my bones. "Hahahahaha! I don't want to talk! I want her" Flowey growls evilly. "H-Her?" I ask a bit confused. "Yes,
Y/N. She has a powerful soul! And I want it!"

Flowey wanted Y/N's soul!

Something in me snapped at that moment. I wasn't going to let him take away MY Y/N! And no one will ever! "No!" I shout angrily as orange magic was crackling in the air as the vines that once strained me burnt to ash. Flowey had a look of shock on his face. I summoned bones and attacked Flowey, in a defensive manner. Undyne burst through the door. "Papyrus!" She shouts. "Undyne!!" I shout back. "I gotcha covered, go to Alphys lab! Keep Y/N safe and I'll hold this weed off!" She orders as I nod. I start running until I get to Alphys lab. Without knocking I burst in. I search the large open area until my eyes land on her.

No one will EVER hurt my human

"Papyrus!" She shouts happily and relieved. "YES! THE MAGNIFICENT PAPYRUS HAS RETURNED!" I smiled proudly.

\Y/N's POV/

You ran over to him. "Are you okay?!" You ask checking him over. "OF COURSE I AM!" He smiles. You jumped forward and engulfed him in a hug. "If you're okay, then I am to" you smile. An orange blush dusted his face as he hugged you back."SANS!" Papyrus smiles seeing his brother. "Hey bro" he smiles, but, it fell quickly. Oh saw pain in his eyes as his smile was strained. He looked at you. "Y/N. Can I-"

"Hey dweebs!" Undyne cuts Sans off. "The weed disappeared" she says. "Were to?" Sans growls. "I don't know. He just, POOF! Into the ground!" She growls. "W-We'll. you t-three should head b-back" Alphys says. "YES! ILL MAKE SURE THAT MY Y/N STAYS SAFE" Papyrus claims as you blush. "Your human?" Sans asks lifting a brow as Papyrus' face goes to a deep orange. "Y-YES OF COURSE! Let's go" Papyrus ushers you and sans out. Sans is giving you a smirk as your face flushed red.

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