Chapter 21

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Gun fire.

Your ears rang to the sound of explosions and gunfire. People and monsters screaming.

Then a churning pain in your chest.

Yet you couldn't open your eyes.

You were being carried by someone.

You tried hard, opening your eyes for a split second.

You could see Papyrus, and a red sky.

"Y/n" A voice calls out.

"Y/n! Everything's going to be okay!" He yells again.

You were to tired, you slowly faded into the darkness again.

You came back around. The pain in your chest was gone. You felt your surroundings.


You sat up, slowly opening your eyes. You recognized this forest. Getting up, you brushed the snow off your ripped clothes. A shadow slowly crept under you feet as you gulped. Turning around. A short stubby figure in a large black cloak stood a few feet from you. They looked like death himself. His head raised.


His eyes were empty, but his grin remained. Darkness surrounded him. You didn't know what to do, so you stared. It was complete silence until he started hovering towards you slowly. But you did not move. He came to a stop, a safe distance from you. "I would shake your hand... But I'd probably kill you" He says darkly. "I'm sans, but you can call me death" He says. "Y/n" you reply quietly. "How'd you get here?" He asks circling you. "I-Im not really sure... I just woke up here" You stutter. He came to a stop in front of you. "Ah, another dimension hopper" he hums. "A what?" You Ask softly. "Well, that's what I call them, there's been a few sans' come and go. One came and killed everyone, as you've probably noticed" he explains darkly. "I'm so sorry, wait, other sans'?" You ask. "Yeah" he shrugs. "What did he look like, the one who killed everyone?" You ask. "Hmm, inverted, he was mostly black with a bit of blue and yellow, had these word blue strings, not a happy fellow" He explains. "Okay" you mumble taking note to stay away from this, other sans. "So, what alternate universe are you from?" He asks sitting down. "Umm..." You mumble not sure how to explain. "What's your sans and papyrus like?" He asks. "Sans is lazy and likes to eat ketchup, and Papyrus is cheerful and loves cooking spaghetti" You explain. "Sounds like the original" he sighs. He turned to you. "Do me a favor and protect pap.." He says. You nodded. You weren't going to let anything hurt him.

"You have feelings for him don't you"

You blushed, turning to death. "W-Wha-"

"Don't try hide it, I can tell" he smirks. You blushed more, looking away. "He's just so cheerful and caring" You explain. "Yeah, like who wouldn't love papyrus?" Sans chuckles. "A lot of humans..." You sigh. "Ah, so you're on the surface?" Death asks. "Yeah, but a war has broken out" You groan. "Hmm...well I hope you the best of luck.. How do you get back?" Death asks. "I usually die" you say bluntly. "Well in that case" he hums placing his cold skeleton hand on your face. Your skin crumbled and slowly fell apart as you heard him say something.


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