Chapter 25

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Alas, although she said goodnight, Abyssa lay in the bed, but couldn't sleep. So she got out of bed and wandered through the halls of the Porcine Palace, tiptoeing so that she wouldn't wake up anyone. She decided to go and take a walk through the city. A nice stroll would clear her head. She headed for the entrance of the palace, but was stopped by the two guards at the front gate. The same two guys who wouldn't let her in twice!
"I'm sorry miss. But I can't permit you to leave the palace unescorted." She groaned.
"I just need to get some fresh air. Please, let me through." Knowing Oliver for a little bit, she'd learned that being forceful and getting angry was not the way to go. But this time, being nice didn't seem to work.
"I'm sorry, but we can't allow it." She tried to push past them, but they held her back.
"Please! It's only for a moment!" She exclaimed.
"Ma'am-" one of the started, but was interrupted.
"I am her escort. Allow the lady through." The three of them turned to see Marcassin coming up.
"Your majesty!" The two guards bowed. "We hadn't realised!" Marcassin nodded.
"It's alright. You were only doing your job." Then he looped his arm through Abyssa's, startling her. "Follow me." He whispered as they walked between the guards, sliding his hands over her eyes, closing them. She felt him lead her out to windy place, then felt herself floating, but his arms still with her. They landed on a metal floor, then he led her a few more feet, then, using his fingertips, gently tilted her head up by pushing on her chin.
"Alright. Now open." She slowly opened her eyes, and gasped at the stars above her, the wind blowing her black hair out of her face. She gasped at the sight. She looked at Marcassin, who was smiling.
"Oh my... Marcassin..." she said in awe, looking around, find they were standing on the roof of the whole city, then back at him. "It's beautiful!" He chuckled.
"I know. But do you know what's more beautiful?" She didn't look away.
"What?" She asked. He put his hand in her's, and she gasped.
"You, right now, and forever." She gasped, then looked away.
"Oh, but we've only just met..." he gently took her chin between his thumb and index finger and guided it to face him once more.
"Abyssa, we've know each other since I was six years old. You've known my brother since the two of you were eleven." A tear fell down her cheek as he caressed it. "It's clear that I love you. Don't you love me back?" She nodded into his hand.
"Yes, but..." she thought about what she was hiding from him. This what the Fairy Godmother meant. This was the decision. Go with Oliver and save the world? Or stay with Marcassin and be happy?
He looked at her, concerned.
"But what, my love?" More tears fell as she took his hand from her cheek. She told the Fairy Godmother what her decision was, and she was sticking to it.
"But we can't be together." She walked away, not daring to look at him. "You would be in more danger than you realise." He went over to her, taking her hands in his.
"Abyssa? What aren't you telling me? Is someone going to hurt you?" She looked at her feet, sobbing. He brought her close and she sobbed into his shoulder. When she calmed down, she looked at the spot she had made. She wiped a tear from her eye and nodded.
"Yes. Shadar. But I know what I must do, and I'm not going to allow you to put yourself into any danger. I'm already risking Oliver, Drippy, Esther, and Swaine. I can't risk you as well. I've tried to steer them all off this track, but it's Oliver's destiny to defeat Shadar. I'm going to be there, by his side, and help him. I don't want you to be hurt." Marcassin already looked hurt.
"I see. You have already decided." They stood there for a few moments, heads together, faces mere inches apart. Then he spoke quietly, his warm breath in her face. "If I may, can we at least share a first and last kiss?" She shook her head a little, but he ignored it as they both leaned in and kissed. Tears streamed down her face from her closed eyes. His eyes closed as well, he used his fingertips to wipe her tears away.
"Marcassin? Where are you?" It was Swaine. He'd woken up hungry and on a whim had decided to check on his little brother. He found him missing and went looking for him. He saw the ladder to the roof and climbed up it, and saw them. They didn't notice him. He gasped silently, then climbed back down, a little upset. He'd only just found his brother, and that girl for a matter of fact, after fifteen years, and they were already that close. He didn't expect this, but this somehow made him unhappy. He went back to the palace and crawled back into bed to do some thinking. Back outside, the two had pulled apart.
"Thank you, Marcassin." She whispered. Then she left, and the young prince stood there, his arms wrapped around himself, saddened that she was leaving.

(Don't judge! I'm a deep believer in true love and love at first sight! And that wasn't technically the case! Don't judge! Someone had to get him and I sure as hell couldn't! *sobs*)

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