Chapter 1: An Awkward Situation

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Author's note - hey boos and Baes How r u doin dude, hope ur good <3

I gots ma fav pairing here soooooooo get ready for some delicious yaoi with a side of fluff and volleyball. :p

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yaoi


It was a normal day at Karasuno High.  The birds were chirping, the sky was partially cloudy, and the lovable volleyball idiots were running at breakneck speed towards the gym.

They sprinted all the way to the main doors of the gym, and then fought about who would be the first one to go through the doors.  So, a typical, average day.

Except, it was anything but that, for a certain dark-haired setter.  He had started to notice a change in himself.  It wasn't a physical thing, for example, a piercing or puberty.  It was an emotional change, and it was towards a certain orange haired, bubbly, stupid yet adorable spiker.

Now this change had affected his thoughts, his actions, and even his volleyball skills.

His thoughts, which were nearly all about volleyball, had started to let a certain little ball of sunshine steal the spotlight.  It started off with thoughts that had Hinata and volleyball mixed together, such as "I should practice tossing with Hinata," or, "Hinata is my volleyball partner," turning into, "I should hang out with Hinata," or, "Hinata is my partner."

This didn't concern him too much.  If you hung around with a person a lot, your thoughts would be more centered around them, right?

His actions were a little more concerning. Whenever he was near Hinata, his hand had begun to absent-mindedly wander towards his hair, and whenever Hinata had caught him, he would either pretend that he had something in his hair, or he would casually put his hand in his pocket, muttering, "Dumbass".

He had also noticed that his eyes would unintentionally wander towards the fluffy ball of energy. Sometimes he would just stare until he got distracted, or until others noticed and pointed it out.

The thing that was the most concerning about his actions was that, when he was in bed, he would wish that Hinata was there, that way they could cuddle.  Tobio remembered one morning his mom had woken him up. His arms and legs were wrapped around a pillow, roughly the size of the spiker, and his mom had told him about how he was moaning in his sleep about "Someone called, Hinata?" his mom had said.

This wasn't even the worst thing though, as much as he hates to admit, he, how shall this be put, has, 'relieved himself,' to the image of the shorty's fantastic figure and smile.

This got him worried; their friendship was just that, right? Just two people who loved volleyball, and were on the same team?

He didn't know why at the time, but those sentences kind of hurt him. He had been debating this for a while, ever since the first training camp with the other teams. It took him quite a bit of time, but he had come to the conclusion that he wanted more in their relationship. He wanted to be his lover, his boyfriend; he wanted to be something more to Hinata.

Now, the thing that was really concerning was that his emotions for Hinata had begun to affect his volleyball skills. His tosses weren't as accurate, his serves weren't as powerful, he would get more distracted during matches, and it wasn't just a small change; it was a big difference.  It was so bad, that he almost had to sit out during a practice match.

This was terrifying; he vowed to never be sitting on that bench again.  So, he did the logical thing; he pushed all those thoughts that he had into the deepest parts of his brain, to see if that would help. That's what he would be testing today.

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