Chapter 6: Scream

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"HINATAAAA!" Kageyama yelled at the little spiker as he was about to step inside the gym.

Hinata turned his head.

The world seemed to stop as Hinata looked at Kageyama and he looked back.

They had  a moment of intimacy as they looked at each other.

It was dramatic, intense, emotional.

Before Hinata sprinted away in the opposite direction.

It took Kageyama by surprise, but he quickly sprinted after him, yelling, "WAIT, DUMBASS, STOP RUNNING!"

Kageyama was chasing Hinata at breakneck speed, but Hinata was running away from him at the same velocity.

They were at this for a while, and made three laps around the school, and then they ran through the halls, disturbing the peace, and subsequently knocking the principals wig off.  But, before the principal could punish them, Hinata took another look and saw how terrifying Kageyama appeared, and ran away, which prompted Kageyama to run after him, yelling, "STOP, DUMBASS!" The principal tried screaming at them to come back.

By now, all the classes seemed to have forgotten that they were in session, and started to watch the volleyball duo chasing each other.  Some people started to record it on their phones and others started to cheer on, what they assumed, the intense race between Kageyama and Hinata.

They were in the first years' hallway, when Kageyama suddenly skidded to a halt. Hinata noticed this and stopped about 30 feet away from him.


"OKAY," Hinata yelled back. As Kageyama went to get whatever he had in his classroom, Hinata stretched and slowed down his breathing before taking a drink of water from the fountain nearby and preparing to run.

Kageyama, meanwhile, was searching frantically for the gift.  His entire class was watching him, and Kageyama looked around like a madman searching for his sanity, when all of sudden he saw it.

The gift, far away.

On the teacher's desk.

With the teacher opening it.

This made Kageyama mad.

Very mad.

It made Kageyama furious.  Kageyama adorned the darkest, scariest, and most petrifying aura ever imaginable and started slowly marching toward the teacher.

Kageyama's teacher noticed him, and then practically shit himself.  He squeaked out a cry of mercy before dropping the gift-wrapped bag like it was on fire.

Kageyama keep on walking towards his teacher, slowly, menacingly, almost like he was death itself.

When he reached his teacher, he glared so hard that he could see the teacher wet himself and confront his worst fears all in one moment.

He then snatched the gift wrapped bag from his teachers desk, and marched to the door of the classroom and then slammed it open ready to give Hinata what he deserved.


As Hinata was standing near the water fountains getting a drink and waiting for Kageyama to return, that way the chase could continue.

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