Chapter 3: Help

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Sorry for making the last chapter kinda sad (;-;)

but the drama man

Kageyama was nervous. About his secret being out, about his volleyball team and about Hinata.  Why did he have to say that?  He must have hurt Hinata so bad.  He feels terrible, so terrible his usual dark and menacing aura was replaced with an aura of depression and worry. The class noticed this, and felt sympathy towards him, but didn't say anything, because they all knew how absolutely terrifying he could be.

The day was slow and dreadful for Kageyama. Not only were thousands of unanswered questions running through his head, he was very concerned that he might get kicked off the team. He was already demoted to backup setter, so they obviously didn't need him anymore. They also didn't need drama on the team, so what he started with Hinata would be a terrible offence.

Yet, minutes ticked on, slowly but surely. To Kageyama, it felt like he was going to his execution, instead of afternoon volleyball practice. The strange thing was that skipping volleyball practice never was an option to him. This was the guy who came to school one day with chicken pox, a god awful cough, the flu, and collapsed in the middle of class, just to be at the team practice. He could lose a limb and still show up.

The clock ticked on and it was now lunch time, so being the idiot that he is, he sprinted to his safe place; the gym. He prayed on the way there that he would get there first, that way he could lock the doors and toss a volleyball to himself in silence.

As he was sprinting to the gym like his life depended on it, he saw Nishnoya and Tanaka talking to Diachi and Sugawara. It wasn't talking per se, because they were moving their arms, legs, and heads around so much that it was more like an interpretive dance.

He stared at them until they noticed.  When they did, and tried to call to him, he sprinted away, remembering his objective, the gym.

He was relieved that he didn't run into any more teammates on the way to the gym. Kageyama then skidded to a halt in front of the gym doors.

A thought then came to him; what if Hinata was in the gym? OH GOD. WHAT IF HE WAS IN THE GYM?  As much as Kageyama hates to admit, he and Hinata thought in a similar manner. Mainly, volleyball is everything. So of course when they were feeling sad or nervous, they would go to a safe place with volleyball, to comfort them.

So he thought for little bit about whether to open the door or not. He took a good half hour and thought up all that he was going to say to him, and practiced it perfectly. He also thought up all the questions that Hinata would say, and made appropriate answers. He then took ten minutes to psych himself up for this. But in a bout of confidence, he grabbed the handle and ripped the door open, and the second he could see the gym he yelled, "I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE!"  Then he bowed in the lowest that any man can go. Next he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, he looked up to find that he had just interrupted the badminton team's lunch practice. His cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment. He heard snickers coming from some of the players.

Oh, how he would turn those snickers into tears.  He shoot his trademark glare and begun walking slowly towards them.

They all looked like they had just seen the devil, a few of them wet them selves and a few of the first years were shrieking in horror.

Just as he was almost upon them, the lunch bell rang and they all sprinted out the furthest exit, away from Kageyama. 'People sure seem to be running away from me more these days' he thought with sorrow.

He didn't care to go to the rest of his classes, it wasn't like he was getting good grades. Unless you count barely passing your classes good. He chose to just toss a ball to himself, and to be alone with his thoughts.

He didn't bother to lock the doors and if he was lucky there would be no gym classes here today. The weather was nice but, Kageyama only took it as a sign of mockery from nature.  He was in one of the worst mood of his entire lifetime.  Nothing would change that, so for the rest of the school he sat down and swallowed himself in self-loathing, anger towards the world and regret.


Only after he heard the end of school bell ring, he decided to move. He was on auto pilot and was going his usual way to the changing room, when he was suddenly stopped by someone.

It wasn't just a regular person, no it was Diachi, and he was looking very intimidating.

"Kageyama, follow me." He spoke in a alarmingly calm fashion.  That was the tone that serial killers use on there victims, ok this was the next level of terrifying.  So for fear of getting tortured or murdered, if he didn't obey, he decided to be obedient and follow.

Diachi lead then lead them through the school all the while, Kageyama was shaking with fear and mild curiosity about what Diachi would do to him.

They were walking for quite sometime when Kageyama realized where they were going.  They were going, behind the school gym. That's where all the drugs are and all the gangs hung out and fought there. He knew it. Diachi was going to have gangs beat him up.

Oh NO. Oh GOD NO. He didn't deserve this, well, a little, a lot.  He did deserve this, he hurt his precious teammate, friend and crush.  He deserved to get hurt, physically, the emotional hurt had been there since this morning. 

Kageyama was thinking about if the gangs who would beat him up would use weapons, when Diachi turned the final corner to the back of the gym.

Kageyama froze, was he ready for this? Was he ready to be beaten up? Was he willing to risk injury for his beloved Hinata?

The answer was yes.

"Kageyama" Diachi called to him from around the corner. He had to man up and face what Diachi had prepared.  So he walked towards the corner and turned.  Surprisingly there were no gangs waiting for him. There was only a few trees, a path and a door into the gym. Diachi was standing near the doors fake smiling and beckoning him closer.

He stated walking towards the doors slowly, for fear of being jumped by gangs that could be behind the trees.

"Hurry up. Kageyama." Diachi yelled at him sternly. Kageyama then sprinted over and stood in front of him. 'Good god' Diachi muttered before pushing the doors open.

Kageyama squeezed his eyes shut and prayed that it would hurt to bad. "Kageyama oiiiiiii" he heard a familiar voice call him name. He peeked out of one eye and saw a sight that he never thought he would.

It was all of the Karasuno volleyball team (minus a few) and Oikawa sitting in a circle with a badly painted sign that said 'Help Kageyama get out of the friend zone and date Hinata that way he will stop sucking at Volleyball guidance group'. Or H.K.G.O.O.T.F.Z.A.D.H.T.W.H.W.S.S.A.V.G.G for short.

"Kageyama, get ready to get romantic". The group cheered, remotely in sync.

What did he get himself into?

What kinda punishment was this?


Comments r appreciated as always

Star if ur part of the H.K.G.O.O.T.F.Z.A.D.H.T.W.H.W.S.S.A.V.G.G

As always luv all of y'all

See u next time

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