The Tutor session

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The next day after Emma met Killian from the first second she wanted to ask are you married but she couldn't do that he's Deans teacher or could she.

Emma went to go wake dean up for school and of course it took forever to wake him up. Finally he woke up and went down to eat breakfast everything was fixed and his mom was at the table drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon right by where he normally drinks his hot cocoa and cinnamon and she looked ready to talk about Friday.

"Hey we need to talk about you science grades,ok"

"Ok,mom I know I really messed up,"

"Yes, you did but,I talked with your science teacher and he said that he holds a tutor session after school for an hour to help you,and he has some other students there too so, you won't be the only one,"

"Ok,so am I going to go today?"

"Yes, you are now go get dressed for school before the bus leaves you again."

"Hey,Dean!" Kalli said running up to his locker "Hey,Kalli what's up,"
Dean said "Nothing much what happened to Saturday night at wheelers you were supposed to come with me and Scotty?"
"Oh yeah, sorry about that my mom grounded me,"
"Gosh what happened?"
"My mom found out about my grades I that envelope I showed you so now she's making me go to a tutor session with Mr.Jones after school.
At first Kalli just stood their and stared at him and then got quiet "oh" she said in an embarrassed tone
"Kalli,what's wrong"
"It's nothing, I've got to go"
"Kalli,I know you somethings wrong,"
"NOTHINGS WRONG DEAN, I'VE GOT TO GO,BYE!"  Kalli said in an angry tone 

To be honest I don't know why I yelled at Dean I was just embarrassed That I was in the tutor class too, Dean thinks of me like a genius and now it's going to change he'll think I'm as dumb a everyone else, gosh I just hope a can make it up to him, on another hand he's just so fricken cute

"So class, I would like to welcome Dean to our tutor session," Mr.Jones said, The first thing Dean sees when he walks into the class is Kalli in the back row and he understands why she yelled at him this morning,
"Dean go ahead and sit where ever you like,"

Dean went to go by Kalli

Please sit by me please sit by me

Dean sits by Kalli

Yaaaaaas 😍

"Hey Dean I'm sorry for yelling at you"

"It's okay"

"Ok class lets get started"

Emma was sitting on the couch watching Heart of Dixie
When her phone dinged

"Hey Dean did great at the tutor session"

Emma looked down for a sec and read it and smiled

"Thanks for telling me"


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