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Before dinner...

"Ok Dean so are you ready to have dinner."

"Where are we going for dinner?"

"Olive Garden."

"Ok remember we have to pick Kalli up before we go."

"Ok where does she live?"

"Oh mom no we pick her up at the gas station by school."

"Why not her house?"

"I don't think she wants me to go to her house."

"Why not?"

"Want me to be honest?"


"I don't think she trusts me."

"Dean you have been dating for 1 year
Why wouldn't she trust you?"

"I don't know."

"Well anyway let's get going."


Later at the gas station...

Dean and his mom drove up Dean got out of the car to get Kalli, Kalli was in a sparkly blue dress that stopped at mid thigh

Dean and his mom drove up Dean got out of the car to get Kalli, Kalli was in a sparkly blue dress that stopped at mid thigh

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Dean was wearing just a regular black suit.

"Wow you look." Kalli said

"I know." Dean said

They got into the car a drove off


They got to the restaurant and Killian was already at the table

"Hey babe." Killian said

"Hey." Emma said
"Hey Dean hey kalli."

"Hey."Dean and kalli said in unison

"Please sit,"Killian said

"Dean,why is Killian looking at your mom like that." Kalli said In a whisper

"Oh sorry,I didn't tell you he's going to ask my mom to move in with him." Dean said In a whisper

"Oh cool." She said in a whisper

"Ya I'll finally have a dad."whisper voice

"Ya."kalli said looking down at her hands

"Hey what's wrong you know you can talk to me." Dean said In a whisper

Dean said intertwining their fingers so they can hold hands

"I know I'm just not ready to tell you everything cause if I do they'll send me away." She said in a quite voice

"No,I'll be with you no matter what."
He said In a whisper
"Thank you Dean." She said I a whisper

"No problem,"

"So how was your day at school Dean and kalli?" Emma asked

Dean and kalli looked at each other and laughed

"Well."Dean started to say

"I got IsI in school isolation." Kalli said

"Oh no what happened?" Killian asked

"This kid was pushing Dean
And I may have punched him in the face."kalli said and Dean giggled

"You know violence is never the answer." Emma said

"I know but I think it is when he calls you a girl but that doesn't mean I can't fight." Kalli said

"I know it doesn't but... what would your parents say?"

Emma asked and looked at kalli and Dean

Kalli just started playing with her hands again

After an awkward moment of silence

"So."Killian said

"How about we order?" Killian asked

"Yes I'm starving."Dean said and they ordered

20 minutes later

The food came and it was delicious
Dean leaned over to Killian

"So when are you going to ask her?"Dean asked in Killian's ear

"In a minute."

"Ok just making sure you don't chicken out."

"Ok ok go sit back down."

Killian said Dean walked off with a laugh

"So swan do you like your food."

"Yes it's lovely how's yours."

"Aye perfect so I was wondering
Umm....I love you."

"Yes and I love you too."

"So what would you think about you and Dean moving in with me?"

"Oh my god yes,yes of course I will."

"YES!"Dean said

"You knew?"


Dean said and they all laughed

Hey everyone I just wanted to thank you all for 210 views and I hope that you enjoy the story remember vote and comment -KMH

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