The Wedding Day pt 3

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It was time for the wedding Killian and Emma were really nervous Killian was at the alter and Emma was boho do the doors Dean had went back there to get ready to walk Emma down the aisle Dean was in the back room with Emma
The music started to play all of the other kids and bridesmaids went down the aisle

"Kid aren't you supposed to go down the aisle with the others?"

"No I'm giving you away to Killian."

"Oh my don't make me cry."

"Don't cry mom if you cry then everyone else will cry."

"I'm sorry Dean are you ready?"

"It's ok and yes I'm ready."

They started walking down the aisle . Emma saw Killian in his handsome tux and she was mesmerized they finally got to the alter and Dean gave Emma to Killian and said

"You take good care of her now." Dean said

Killian and Emma giggled

"I will lad." Killian said with a smile

And it was time for the vows "Killian you first."

"Ok well ok here we go, I'll try my best. Emma,ever since you came into my life I knew this this is the women I love and I will be lucky if Im even able to get a women as beautiful as you but ever since you and Dean came in my life I couldn't be happier it's like there was a piece of my heart missing and you found it I love you Emma swan I hope you take this wedding band as a symbol of my love for you."

"Emma your turn."

"Ok so ever since I walked into that classroom It was love at first sight, Killian you broke my walls down and for that I will love and trust you forever and I hope you take this band as a reminder that you are the one that was able to do that and I know you will be an amazing father to Dean and what ever comes our way we can't do it together I love you so very much."she said with tears and putting the band on Killian's finger. Killian was also in tears

Do you Killian take Emma,to be your wife,to have and to hold from this day forward; for better or for worse;for richer,for poor; in sickness and in health;to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part." The priest said

"I do." He said sniffing

"Do you Emma take Killian ,to be your husband,to have and to hold from this day forward; for better or for worse;for richer,for poor; in sickness and in health;to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part." The priest said

"I do."she said with a tear going down her cheek

Well with the power invested in me I now pronounce you...... Man and Wife

With that the whole crowd applauded and Emma and Killian held hands and walked out the building and kissed passionately

At the reception

Everyone was walking in and getting ready to applaud the newlyweds as they walked in everyone applauded and whistled and Dean ran up to hug Emma and Killian  hey mom and dad do you know if Kalli is coming
Ya she should be around her somewhere
Ok thanks mom and congrats
Thank you Dean

When Dean finally found Kalli a boy was talking to her and he got really really what's the word I'm looking for ya that's right...... JEALOUS but he wasn't going to admit that so he just walked up to them

"Hey Kalli." Dean said walking to them
"Oh hey Dean this is Hayden." Kalli said
"Hi Hayden I'm Dean nice to meet you." he said shaking his hand roughly
"Well I'm just gonna leave you two to it." Hayden said
"Ok see you around."
As he walked off Dean grabbed Kalli by the waste
"What are you doing?"she said as he got closer
"What does it look like?"
"It looks like your trying to kiss me."
"Ding ding ding you are correct." he said in her ear and he kissed her passionately

"Woah calm down what has gotten into you?"
"I guess all this romance talk is getting to me."
"Ya I bet."
"So you hungry." he said changing the topic
"Ok let's go."

Later at the end of the night

Everyone was dancing and it was time for Emma to throw the bouquet

Ok all the ladies gather round to catch the bouquet

Wooohoo all the ladies were yelling
She threw it and Kalli caught it everyone just looked at her. Her face was really red
So she said what any other person her age would do she held up the bouquet and she said..." SQUWA!!"
Everyone looked at her and started clapping wooohooing and whistling

She walked over to Dean Killian and Emma
"Hey Kalli good job."
"That was funny you said SQUWA." Dean said
"I know I didn't know what else to do."
"That's ok lass."Killian said

I'm sorry if I embarrassed you
no you didn't embarrass anyone most of the people here are drunk anyway

Ok well I think I should be going

"Well it's dark outside do you want us to drive you home." Killian said concerned "no that's ok you have a honey moon to get to." She said "well ok then bye."  "bye Dean bye Killian."Kalli said "bye Kalli." Dean said and kissed her cheek and she walked away.

Everyone was starting to head out and Emma and Killian got in the car with Dean and left

"So Dean did you have fun?" Emma asked
"Ya I guess so."Dean said looking sad
"You ok kid?" She asked concerned
"Ya, I'm just worried about Kalli."
"Why is that,didn't her brother come pick her up?"
"No she said she was walking home ."
"Ok well I'm sure she'll be fine."
"I hope your right."Dean said looking out the window as they were driving home

1016 words that's a lot for me anyway I've never written this many words before so thank you all so much for reading I really appreciate it and I love you all so very much.
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