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Dean and Kalli were doing well but they haven't told Killian and Emma they were scared to tell Killian and Emma they didn't know what they would say but they would soon find out.

Dean and Kalli were walking to class hand in hand going to science then someone shoved Dean against the lockers

"What the hell!"

"Hey don't take that tone with me."

"Who the hell are you."

"The name is Hansel."

"Well mine is Dean,why are you pushing me."



while this was happening Kalli ran to go get Killian who was down the hall


"Kalli what's wrong?"

"It's Dean."

"Is he hurt?"

I don't think so but someone pushed him against the lockers and the kid started yelling at him now he's yelling."

"Let's just see where it goes Kalli, come on."

By the lockers

"What do you want hansel

"I want for you to get the hell out of this school

Why would I do what you say

"Cause if you don't I'm gonna hurt they pretty little girlfriend of your or should I say UGLY

Kalli was behind hansel

"What did you just say jackass

"I said your ugly

"Oh well let's just see who's gonna be ugly

"What are you talking about you little twerp

"You wanna go

"Hell ya

They put up their fist Kalli punched him in the nose he squeezed it from bleeding

"What the hell?"

"You said you wanted to fight."

"Ok,this isn't over lets go."


Kalli kicked him in the thigh

"Oww son of a mother."

"Do you give up."

"Yes,yes I give up."

"Good now go run along to your mommy."

She said as hansel ran off

"Ok I may be a teacher but good job Kalli you showed him ."Killian said and gave her a high five

"Dean are you,ok."



"Just don't

"What did I do

"Just leave it Dean said walking into the hall

"Dean what did I do Kalli said chasing Dean

"Just tell me she continued

"You really want to know

"Yes please just tell me

"You make me look like an idiot

"What do you mean

"You... you just fight people for me,one day your going to get hurt

"Dean I would do anything for you

"Fine just promise you won't do it again

"I can't promise anything

"Then maybe we should just call it off

"What do you mean her eyes filling up with tears
"Are you breaking up with me

"Yes Dean said in a breaking voice and walking off

Kalli just stood there Scotland Dana and Katie came out from the lockers into the hall

"Kalli what happened?" Scotland asked
"He...he... broke up with me."

"You just saved his ass and he broke up with you."

Kalli said bawling and hugging Dana Katie and Scotland "it's ok it will be ok."they all said

Will it...will it ever be ok again I think I loved him."Kalli said in a breaking voice


Killian was teaching class when his phone rang

"Sorry class one second Gloria watch the class." Killian said

"yes sir."

He took the phone and walked outside the classroom


"Killian it's Dean I messed up."

"Dean what did you do."

"I don't want to talk about it at the moment just can you come talk to me after work."

"Ok sure son bye."


Just saying I published this when I was half asleep so it's probably not that good
And thanks for 466 reads and make sure to vote and comment😊 -KMH

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