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It was 5 months later Killian and Dean were having a guy day they went to bass pro shop and they went to the movies.

So Dean how have you been

You do realize you live with me right

I know we just don't talk much

Ok I've been good

I was would you feel if I asked your mom to marry me

Are you kidding that would be amazing

Are you sure

Ya of course does that mean you can be my dad officially



When are you going to ask her
I was thinking about asking her on my boat on Friday

Hold up you got a boat

Aye the Rolly Joger

Sweet can I see it


Later on the boat

So how does it look Dean

Dude this looks awesome

Ok so do you think she will like it

Yes if I know my mom she will love it

Thursday at school

"Hey Kalli I haven't seen you in a while." As Kalli heard his voice she stuck her head in her locker

"Kalli what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine."
Kalli said

"No your not what's wrong."

"Kalli tell me."

"Your gonna be mad."

"Just let me see your frickin face."

She pulled her head out of her locker she had a black eye

"Kalli what happened?"

"I may have got In a fight."

"Let me look."

"Are you sure she kind of knocked the pretty out of me?"

"No ones that powerful."
Dean says


Killian was getting ready for tonight he had a black suit with a red tie it wasn't really anything but he was nervous. Emma was at work at sky zone Killian called Elsa (her sister) to get her to bring a dress for Emma with flowers.

That night he was on the boat he heard someone walking up

"Hello sorry I was told to meet Killian here." Emma said

"Hey babe you look."

"I know." she giggled

"Sit down."


After dinner

"Emma I have to ask you something."


"Well when we met I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you, your the most beautiful women I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on and when I got you I was like holy crap you've got her don't let her go you idiot."He said and they both laughed

"So what I'm saying is-."
He said as he got down on one knee

"Emma swa-" he was cut off by Emma


"I didn't fini-"  he was cut off once again


"Would you shut up and let me finish."

"Oh crap sorry."

"Thank you,Emma swan will you marry me?"

"You can answer now"

"Oh crap right  yes I'll marry you!!!"

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