Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been over 2 months since I found out about the baby and it's a girl . Louis has become a part of a group and has become famous where I'm just here stuck with a baby whilst he's having the time of his life. I am worried about the future how I'm sipossed to provide for the baby. My parents have kicked me out and now I'm living with talia But what if he doesn't make it he will come right back to Doncaster and ill be screwed. Thoughts swirled in my head as I silently cried into my pillow. I've quit school I'm just done with everything It depresses me to think that Louis will want nothing to do with her. I decided to take mind off off everything and go out for some coffee.

I ordered it and waited until my order came in. Then I noticed someone. "Oh shit it's Lottie"I says to myself. "Heeeyyy Cassie great to see you" Lottie said running up to me." Oh hey umm where's your mom" i asked. "Oh I'm actually here with my friend and her mom so how have you been". "Good"I awkwardly said.sorry to ask but are you pregnant lot tie asked.

"Yep"i said nerveously. Whos the father of this cute little thing she said bending over and talking to my baby bump. "Oh it's it's um um um"I stutterd. It's okay you can tell me trust me I know since you and my brother stopped being friends we haven't talked but I really did feel like you were a part of my family lottie said. Only if she knew this baby is her niece but ofcorse I'm not telling her. "Oh it's just this guy that I don't talk to anymore it was complicated" I said lying. "Oh we'll I'm sorry to hear that" she said. Then the lady at the counter called my name for my order and I waved goodbye to Lottie as I took my coffee and rushed out the door.

"Fuck my life" I said to myself with a little giggle as I walked to my car.

Later I was at talias house and I heard talia and her boyfriend fighting as usual. His name was dean and he was a completete prick. Then I heard a door slam shut and a very angry dean walk out her room and out of the apartment. Then talia came running towards me crying into my arms." Wtf happened"I said

That mother fucker cheated on me again he was texting this girl but he told me it was one of his friends when he looked away I stole his phone and saw nude pics. "He said he wouldn't do this again"she cried into my chest. "It's ok talia you didn't need him anyway" I comforted her. Then I got a text from my friend Jonny saying. "Hey me and Clare are going out for drinks tonight wanna come bring your fake ID". Hey look jonny just asked if he wanted to go out for drinks ill invite you as my plus one and we will have a great time btw this isn't a invitation your coming with whether you like it it not. I explained then dragging her ass of the couch and bringing her to my room to get all dressed up. I quickly replied to Johnny as I rememberd." Oh shit I can't drink I'm pregnant". Oh we'll I got dressed up and so did talia as we headed out. I gave my fake ID to the man as he let me and talia thru." Hey Jonny" I said running up to him and hugging him then I hugged Clare and we all sat down. Talia and Clare had a stupid convo about each others outfits while jonny leaned down and whisperd into my ear. Your baby bump is obvious he said. "I know a 15 year old pointed it out today" I whisperd back. Jonny was a bit older then us he was 26 and we are all about 17 but he was a good guy." So why aren't you ordering anything" Clare said already a a bit tipsy. Ohoh um um I stutterd. "Your pregnant aren't you" she said looking right through me. "Yeah I am" I said sadly. So who got the chance to knock you up. I stayed silent since I was the only one who knew this secret and I'd like to keep it that way. "Oh it was some random guy at a party" talia said. If only she knew she was lying I said to myself. Oh sorry hun trust me it gets better so since your not getting an abortion are you going to give it up for adoption. Me jonny and talia all sat there in shock of what she said. "Sorry Clare doesn't know when to shut her mouth" jonny said.

Later everyone went to dance and I just awkwardly sat there at the table. I'm guessing I'm probably the only sober person here and there's no use in faking it. I played some phone games to pass the time until a very handsome man walked up to me. "Oh I love angry birds"he said as he sat down across from me. I awkwardly nodded and proceeded to my game." I've beat every level and the space edition and that shit was hard"he said making me laugh. "Oh good I've made you laugh can I buy you a drink"?he asked. "No I can't drink"I said. Then what are you doing at a bar he asked." I'm that sober person that drives everyone home". Ahhh I see he said. "You don't seem drunk" I mentioned. Yeah that's one thing we already have in common Im also that sober one that has to drive everyone home plus I'd wrather sit here and watch these drunken idiots for my amuesment then be one of them. "Yeah" I said awkwardly. "So what's a pretty girl like you siting all alone he said. Wow you ask alot of questions I replied."yeah if ya can't tell there's a few more questins leading up until I ask you out it's kinda my plan has it worked"??.

"I dunno ask me more questions" I replied . "Are you single"??he asked. "Yes I am"I replied. "How do you

feel about kissing me right now" he said I feel great about that I said as he leaned in kissing me. The rest of the night was well let's just skip to the next morning.

I woke up in a hotel room next to the guy from last night. "Oh fucking shit" I said sitting up. Gladly he was still asleep. "Cassie your such a fucking slut I said to myself. I quickly got dressed and gladly I found our hopefully used condom on the floor so that made me relieved. "Oh no what if this did any damage to the baby"I started crying but then I had an idea. What if I hide the Condom then tell him that he's the dad of my baby he will totally believe that he got me pregnant So then no one will suspect Louis". Plus Louis is world wide famous now anyway and if he ever found out this could be bad. This is a great cover I said then I started cheering.i quickly shoved the condom and the packet in my purse and then heard a voice from behind me. Good morning love he said. "Good morning" I said walking over to him and kissing his fore head. "You look like you've been crying are you alright" he asked ??? Yeah I'm perfectly fine now fine

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