Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Eleanor's dead. I know I should be happy about this but I'm not. Louis hasn't talked to me in weeks and still refuses to go outside. He stays in his room once shared with Eleanor. I dont really know what he saw in her or maybe I just saw her bad side. Maybe she was a wonderful person that loved Louis so much she was protective. I would never know cause she never gave me a chance and hated me instantly. Why did Louis save me?. He doesn't know about our baby he doesn't really know how much he effected me from the bullying so I'm really just an old friend he pity's. Well at least that's how I see it. The unknown man hasn't been found. Officers say that he must have operated from a car. I don't really remember much of what happend I was in shock Louis still is, it was horrible. I just can't get it out of my mind. Why me over Eleanor? I would ask but he's still not ready to talk about it. Talia doesn't hate me anymore probably because of the fact that she almost lost me and she realized how much she needs me. Her and Harry are still together. Me and zayn are still together. He has been there for me since it happened . But I think I'm falling in love with him. Maybe because I'm still in a state of shock idk but what I can remember was that he was in the ambulance right beside me. He wouldn't let my hand go and he told me he would be there for me. He's always been there for me. Helped me throug my self harm defended me with the whole Eleanor accusing me situation. It's stupid right? The fact that a month ago I wasn't even sure that I wanted to be with him and now I'm in love with him. I decided to try to talk to Louis today. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer so I just went on in. Louis are you awake? I asked. "Sadly yes" Louis says looking at me. Then I go over and lay by him on his bed and I can tell he's a little uneasy with me being so close to him."I'm sorry" I say as he tries to hold back tears. "I'm sorry to"he says looking into my eyes. "What are you sorry about" I ask. I'm sorry I didn't kill you Cassie it was obvious you wanted to die and it wasn't because you pitied Eleanor it was because something else is Going on in your mind and I just can't figure it out but I couldn't let you die. I couldn't be the reason of your death I've been the reason for everything else horrible in your life I guess this is my punishment for bullying you all those years. I lose the love I my life to save you he said. "I'm sorry I didn't die to" I said to Louis cuddling up with him under his blanket. "I miss her so much" Louis said as his tears were falling on my head as he kissed it and wrapped his arms around my holding me tight. After a few minuets of Laying here he fell asleep and I did the same.

I woke up with Louis arms still wrapped around me. Then I looked at the time on my phone. "Oh shit" I said remembering I had a lunch date with zayn 30 mins ago. I slowly untangled myself from Louis arms and left. Once I had gotten to my apartment zayn was sitting in the living room looking vey pissed. I'm so sorry zayn I said going up to him. "Where were you I was worried"!!. I was umm umm with talia I lied I mean I count just say Louis. Then he looked at me as he didn't believe me. He sniffed me and he had a shocked look on his face. "You smell like cologne don't lie to me Cassie where were you"!!! "I was with Louis ok". I can't believe fell for a whore like you he scolded me ." No zayn please I'm sorry nothing happend I promise". Then why do you stink I him he asked. Cause we..were I was it was nothing I said. "Yeah that's what I thought Cassie just get the fuck away from me" he said barging out the front door. Tears were streaming down my face as I ran into nails room but he wasn't there. "Cassie stop running to people with your problems nobody cares" I cried to myself. Then I ran into my bathroom to clean my face from my tears. Then I remembered the razors in my makeup bag. I grabbed them and held them tightly in my hand. "Is this it" I asked myself. I stared at myself in the mirror looking at the makeup smeared down my face. I could barely breathe I was crying so hard. "I guess I'm always looking for an excuse to end it all". And this is it I said turning on the faucet as the bathtub slowly filled with water. I stripped down and started to slit my wrist. It was deep. I then cut a line straight down the middle Of my wrist. The blood was spilling out of my arm uncontrollably. I then sat in the tub full of water blood draining out turning the water red as my head started to get fuzzy. I grabbed my phone and called him. "Hi Louis" I said crying. What's going on he asked concerned. "I'm sorry Louis for everything, Everything is my fault and I deserve to die goodbye" I said hanging up and then I lost consciousness.

Louis pov

Then the line went dead. NO CASSIE DONT!!! I screamed into the phone but she couldn't hear me. Then I called zayn. "Where's Cassie"I asked. "Why so you can fuck her again yeah I know about what you did" he said angrily through the phone. "What are you talking about zayn me and Cassie have never done anything". Yeah whatever just never talk to me again he said about to hang up. "ZAYN WAIT I THINK CASSIES IN TROUBLE". Then I heard the phone drop.

Zayns pov

ZAYN WAIT I THINK CASSIES IN TROUBLE I heard Louis shout trough the phone. Then I remembered. I dropped the phone and ran up stairs cause I had went outside to get some air. I opend the apartment door and searched all the rooms. "CASSIE" I screamed. I banged on the bathroom door but it was locked. "CASSIE PLEASE TELL ME YOUR OK"!!! There was no answer it was silent. I then called 911 and tried to break down the door. "I'm home"I herd Niall yell from the front door. "HELP" I screamed. "What the hell is going on" he asked seeing me bang on the bathroom door. "Cassie locked herself in the bathroom and I think she did somthing help me break down the room". Niall dropped his bags and started ramming into the door. It broke and I walked in to see a tub filled with blood as Cassie lifelessly sunk to the bottom.

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