Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

2 years later

It's has been a while since the miscarriage. Jack wasn't charged and I haven't seen him since. Me and talia are still friends but were not as close as we used to and I moved out. I live in a crappy little apartment and I've become depressed since the miscarriage. I've watched Louis become more and more famous while my life has become complete shit. I have started self harming. I know it's not the right thing to do but it's all I have left I hate myself and everyday I'm getting closer to killing myself. I really have no one and I need some one to save me.

I decided to go for my morning walk yes I'm one of those people. It's what I do when I'm really sad it makes me a bit happier. I got ready and headed out the door. I walked past my old school rembering all the memories. Most if them was of Louis and how he would trip me in the halls and call me a slut.those memories made me think about when we were kids. The best years of my life. We would race around the old lake And one time we were canoeing and he pushed me out of the boat so I rocked the boat and made him fall out. We were best friends then when we went to middle school..he changed. He started hanging out with some other guys and then that's where the bullying started. Ah! I heard a man say as I accidentally ran into him cause I was lost in my thoughts. Cassie?is that you the man said. I was shocked by who it was." It's me Louis don't you remember". "Yeah I do"I nodded wiping away my tears. "How have you been" he asked. I've been good I said lying. He could see right through me but instead he bought it."im guessing you've been completely fine" I said Sarcasticly. Yeah not really I've missed my family and for the past two years there had been somthing bugging me listen Cassie I'm sorry that I wrecked our friendship by being a complete twat I can't believe what I used to say to you I miss the old us and I really want it to go back to the way it used to be Louis explained holding my hands and gazing into my eyes." I've missed it to and I really missed you Louis"I said then he pulled me in for a hug. "Here's my number please text me I'd really like to get to know you again before I go on my next tour". "Yeah me to" I said. We traded numbers and went our separate ways. We both started to walk our separate ways until I got a text from louis that said. "Hey so when can we hang"I replied with."right now"and we both turned around and ran into each others arms and he picked me up and spun me around. "My place"? he asked. I nodded and We both walked to his place it wasn't far from mine. We walked in and went to the top floor and was soon inside his flat. "This place is amazing"I said in awe. "We have a bigger place in England tho" he said. We? I asked. Me and my friend Harry. Then Harry walked in the room. "Did someone say my name" he said all suave like. Yeah Harry meet Cassie. Cassie meet Harry. "Oh hello"he said seductively holding my hand softly in his then kissing it. "Hey stop hitting on her she probably has a boyfriend"Louis griped. No I actually don't I blurted out. "Good"Harry said. "But I'm not ready for a boyfriend right now sorry"I said. Well I'm waiting when you need me Harry said jokingly while backing out of the room. Sorry he's a bit of a man whore Louis said makingme laugh. And here is my lovely girlfriend Eleanor he said. My heart broke into a million pieces when he brought me into his living room to see somone who I could never be. "Oh hi Eleanor"I said shaking her hand. Hi she said with a bitchy little smirk. Eleanor this is Cassie one of my oldest friends. That's greeaat she said rolling her eyes and got on her phone. Wow she's a bitch I said to myself. "we're having a party tonight so you can invite a few friends if you want"Louis said. "Well I have only one friend talia. Oh yeaa I remember tally she was really fun at party's.

That night.

So I invited Talia but I told her to keep it a secret and all they boys were there. I had met Zayn and Liam and me and nail were already besties. We bonded over food. Talia and Harry were getting a little "frisky" over in the corner which I suspected from a man whore and well...a whore. I saw Eleanor clearly flirting with some guy but I could tell he didn't buy it. I'm not gonna lie I really don't like Eleanor but that's probably me being jeleous. Louis walked up to me and offerd me a beer but I turned it down I don't usually drink at all surprisingly . Remember that last party we were at he asked. Then my heart went into my throat and all I could do was awkwardly nod. Yeah I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything awkward between us he said. No...nothing at all I said a tear rolling down my cheek. "Are you ok"he asked wiping it away. Yeah Louis I'm fine i said. listen I'm sorry what I said that day after well ya know you were actually great. "Thanks"I said embarrassed. I'm only joking he said. "Oh so your saying I wasn't good" I says jokingly. No no i mean I was um um you were I just I'm I I." Louis I'm just joking" I said then we both laughed. We looked up to each other a stared into each others eyes he leaned in and so did I as we were about to kiss Liam called him over. "Um I have to go" he said. I just nodded and looked around so he wouldn't see my blush as he walked away.

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