Chapter 11

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Louis pov

Once I got to the address that was on the note it was jut an old abandoned office building. I rushed in and no one was their. "ELEANOR" I screamed echoing throughout the building. I ran up stairs and through hall ways trying to find her but there wast no sight of anyone. It was a prank. "Haha so funny who ever you are come out now and show yourself" I yelled. Then I could hear somthing. It was a girl crying and screaming. Oh my god....ELEANOR IM COMING. I screamed running in the direction. I barged through a door and saw a girl bloody tied up on the floor. But it wasn't Eleanor it was Cassie. I ran to her to untie her but she was screaming shaking her head no. Then as I was almost to her the door slammed behind me. I banged on the door trying to kick it down but it was sealed shut. I then went back to untieing Cassie. "I was trying to tell you to go now he's got us we can't leave" she choked out crying. It's ok Cassie I'm here and I'm going to get us out of this everything will be ok I said untieing her hands. She then wrapped her arms around me. We pulled away and all I could See was her beautiful eyes staring into mine. I don't know what was happening but I couldn't help myself. Just as we were about to kiss all the sudden Eleanor was thrown into the room and the door slammed behind us again. "YOU SICK BASTARD" I screamed banging on the door so hard I almost broke my hand. Eleanor wasn't tied up but she was knocked out. Cassie do you know who's doing this I asked. "No I don't I was just grabbed from behind I haven't seen his face". Then Eleanor started to wake up. "GET OFF OF ME" she screamed coming out of consciousness. Then I went over To Eleanor as Cassie began to untie her feet. It's ok Eleanor I said calming her down . "What ls going on Louis" she asked scared. "I don't know but you need to tell me what is the last thing you remember". "I was attacked by a man I fought him but I wasn't strong enough"she said. "Did you see his face" cassie asked. "No he was wearing a mask and what the fuck is she doing here" Eleanor griped. "well I was kidnapped and brought to this shithole to so that's why I'm fuckig here". Now they were both up in each other's face. "Now is not the time for this" I said. Then Eleanor punched Cassie in the face and they were now wrestling on the ground. "STOP" a voice said. The girls stopped fighting and stood up to look around. "Look" Cassie said pointing up at the ceiling were there were speakers attached. "LET US GO". Eleanor screamed. "Now where's then fun in that" the voice said. "Now everyone stay still" it spoke again. "AND WHAT IF WE DONT" Eleanor screamed. Eleanor stop I said. "Guys" Cassie said with terror in her eyes looking at the walls. There's was small wiring all over the walls and they went into the walls. "Bombs"Cassie whispers again in disbelief. "YOU THINK YOUR SO SMART HAVING THIS ENTIRE PLACE WIRED UP SOMEONE IS GOING TO NOTICE AN EXSPLOSION" Eleanor screamed in rage again. "I'm so stupid" I said to myself putting my head Into my hands. What? Cassie asked. "You wanna know I I got here I drove here cause the address was on a piece of paper taped to the apartment door guys this place is in the middle of no where" we are so screwed I said. "Looks like you all have figured it out now Cassie Eleanor you stay were you are and Louis do you see the two suitcases in the corner of the room" the voice asked. I looked around and saw them but they were hidden by pieces of broken wood on the floor that had fallen from the ceiling. I walked over to them in confusion. "One of these suitcases has a censor that will set off the bombs, the other suitcase has a special surprise in it. Choose wisely. "How do I know both won't set off the bombs" I asked foolishly. Well that would be no fun now wouldn't it Louis the voice said. I had no other choice. I picked up a suitcase and opened it preparing for the explosion but instead there was silence. I pulled out a gun and it was fully loaded. What the...I said to myself confused. "Surprise" the voice said. "What is this" I asked. "It's a gun Louis now since you have chosen the surprise here's the catch to get out of here alive you have to kill Cassie or Eleanor and btw you have 10 minuets or the bombs go off so have fun"
Me and Eleanor stood together as Louis was staring at us I guess choosing which one to kill. I know it's going to be me. He hates me now and Eleanor has him wrapped around his finger. I have no other reason to I've anyways. My baby is dead, talia hates me, Louis hates me and i guess I just don't care to live anymore. As I was lost in my own thoughts I was brought out of it by Eleanor blabbering on about how Louis should kill me cause I tried to frame her. There's no hope for me now. I'm already dead. A tear rolled down my cheek as I got out the words "kill me". Eleanor looked at me puzzled as she would've probably thought I would be defending myself but no. Louis looked at me in disbelief. Seeing the girl he once new as a kid as bestfriends forever then as enemies ruining my life and making me miserable to a girl he is now Falling in love with. He saw how broke I was he could tell I didn't say kill me cause I was guilty of whatever Eleanor was accusing me of. He saw how much he had broke me. And realized how much he loved me. I heard a gun shot go off but I felt no pain I felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see Louis dropping the gun shaking and crying .Then I looked over to see Eleanor laying on the floor with a bullet through her skull. I then ran over over to Louis and we just stood there in each others arms for what seemed as hours. Then we heard police sirens outside. We didn't cry for help we did nothing but stand there in each other's arms in shock until we were taken away into ambulances.

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