Chapter 33-Time to Go Home

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33.Time to Go Home

I stayed there for hours before I became hungry. Luckily, I had my pocket knife with me and I quickly killed a couple of squirrels. I ate them raw before walking around until I found a small stream. I drank my fill before returning to the old pine tree to sleep.

The next morning I killed a couple of birds, resting nearby. I devoured them quickly before running to the stream for a drink. I gathered moss from a stream rock and bathed my body with it. Afterward I relaxed there for a while, I searched nearby trees for a tree with lower branches to sleep that night. I found a luscious pine tree that would be perfect; then I hurried back to the old pine tree and hunted more squirrels.

“Can I have some?” I heard a familiar voice roar.

“Robi?” I asked as she crawled under the pine branches.

“Yes, it is me. Um...that smells good,” she purred as she licked her lips.

“I will catch more,” I commented as I stalked after a large blackbird. I quickly killed it; then I scurried back to my sister. “Take your pick.” She grabbed the blackbird and ate the whole them in a few minutes. I ate all five squirrel before taking her to the stream for a drink. “Why are you here?” I asked as she took a final sip.

“To find my big brother, of course,” she purred as she looked at me.

“Why find me? I can take care of myself!” I roared as I splashed the water with my left hand.

“We know that, but we were worried something happened to you; so they sent me...” she started as she stared at the flowing stream.

“To bring me home! To be watched! Am I correct?” I yelled and she nodded. “I don't need to be watched! I'm an adult!”

“We know, but you were just changed back; plus, you broke your arm,” Robi replied calmly as I painfully got up.

I hurried to the pine tree and she followed me. “I'm not going back!” I hissed repeatably as I strolled among the trees.

“Please come back,” she pleaded as we reached the pine tree.

“No sis. I need to be free!” I roared as I crawled under and she sat with me.

“Please come home,” she mewed as she threw a pine cone through the branches.

“Not today,” I mewed as I slowly crawled back out and went to hunt, leaving her there.

“Then tomorrow,” she said, when I returned with some squirrels.

“Maybe,” I replied sadly as I ate my part of the squirrels before we piled up pine needles and fell asleep.

The next morning Robi was gone and so was my pocket knife; so I stalked a squirrel and was luckily able to kill with my teeth. I ate it before heading to the stream for a drink. When I looked up, John and Dr. Jason stood on the other side with Robi. “Oh nice yo see you again. I would really love to have my knife back,” I hissed as I sat there staring at them.

“It is time to go home, James,” John told as he used the rocks to cross the stream.

“No!” I yelled as I stood and started to run away from them. I didn't watch before me but behind me; so I tripped over a tree root. I fell onto my cast as I screamed.

“James!” Robi shouted as she helped me up. I got dizzy and collapsed in her arms before the brothers helped me back to the hotel. They took me to my room and had me go to bed.

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