Chapter 11-Tests and I'm Sorry

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11.Tests and I'm Sorry

The following morning a staff-hand released me warily from my cage and I hurried to Annie's trailer. There I met the doctor and Ringmaster before we went inside. “Annie, do you know where those shots are?” Ringmaster asked as we sat in the trailer again.

“Yes. I have them in my bag,” she answered as she handed the bag over to the doctor.

“First, I have to take some of your blood now, James,” the doctor explained as he stuck the needle into my front paw. He exacted the blood he needed, while I cringed a little from the pain. “Now for the shot,” he continued before he injected the shot into my paw.

“Dad, you look...wonderful,” Annie exclaimed as I sat there as a human-lion.

The doctor exacted more blood; then he finished, “I need to get some blood from Mighty Mike. Please excuse me.” He then rushed off with the blood samples and another shot.

“Come James. I should put you away,” Ringmaster said as he started towards the door; then he glanced back at me. “I can't do that, can I? That would be weird.”

“Sir, can he stay here? Please,” pleaded Anna as I wrapped my arms around her.

“Alright, I'll will be back in a hour,” he answered before he left.

I moved up beside Annie and cradled her in my arms. “You know, I never got to do this when you were a cub?” I asked before I kissed her forehead.

“Yes Dad,” she smiled before her smile gave way to a frown again. “Dad? Who will do the show tonight?”

“I don't know, sweetie; but how are your legs feeling?” I asked as I sniffed her bandages.

“Sore, but the doctor gave me some medicine; so they are turning numb,” she laughed as she laid her head on my furry chest.

“I'm so sorry you got hurt,” I cried and she reached up and stroked my mane.

“It isn't your fault, Dad,” she yawned before she fell asleep in my arms.

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