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Today is April 30th, 2016, at least that what my phone says. I don't really count the days anymore nor do I remember most of them. I only remember the important dates, the ones that cause my state the most pain.

And yet this day sticks out to me, nothing important happened to me on this day, so why does it give me shivers?

We where having a meeting today, in which we won't get anything done, not that it matters anyway, Alfred is always the one that gets the final say in anything we do. Everyone was arguing about something, doesn't matter if it's stupid or not.

Me? I'm not in the mood, I've been having his horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it was driving me crazy. I took everything that I could think of to help me with the pain and nothing has worked.

"Rosa? You look a little pale." Turning my head to my cousin, Colorado or Donovan as he likes to be called, looked at me in concern.

I give him a smile trying to ease his worry. "Don't worry Donovan, I'm fine just feeling a little down."

He nods turning back towards the chaos. A cough clawed at the back of my throat, which everyone ignores, possibly thinking its a nothing to drastic.

Nor did I, I suppose, for I did nothing on the matter, ignoring the clawing sensation and taking notes on the important things, then, of course, arguing with Mississippi/Jada about something I just forgot about.

And before I knew it, the sensation was back. And shit, it burned.

I pushed on the table as hard as I could and threw my head between my legs. My coughing became more violent as blood poured out of my mouth and onto the floor leaving a pool of red precious liquid staining the carpet.

Apparently I pushed the table hard enough to send a hard enough jolt that everyone's drinks and snacks scattered allover the table.

"Hey! What the hell-" I don't know who the voice belonged to for when everyone saw me hunched over coughing up my lungs they started talking at the same time. Tears fell out of my eyes and landed on the floor with my blood.

Why is there so much pa-


The room was white.

There stood a doctor, with a white coat, and the nurse, in blue scrubs. In the woman's arms was a baby with fair brown skin and a mop of beautiful brown hair their eyes were closed as they were sleeping. The doctor has a sad look on his face and the nurse looks like she was going to cry.

"I am deeply sorry, little Rosamaria, but your father never made it to the hospital and your mother didn't survive the birthing." He ran a hand gently through the baby's hair and sighed deeply. "You won't be going home to a family tonight."

The nurse let a tear fall, as the little baby girl, Rosamaria, open her eyes and wailed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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