Chapter I

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Hey! The names Ernicia Ross and that's me, 👆🏾 up there. Yeah, the chocolate bone with pearly white teeth. I'm from the projects of Richmond, California. I'm 18 years old and I've been going through bull shit since I was 5 years old. I'm gonna tell my story from the past to the present, so ride with me. ☺️

( PAST ) five years old.

I was laying down on my bed when I could hear my mom and dad arguing from a distance. I got up and walked to my door and opened it alittle bit. I continued to listen then I heard my dad walking down the hall. I hurried and closed my door and jumped on my bed.

"Hey baby girl." my dad said as he walked in.

"Hi daddy." I responded as I sat up.

He sat on my bed and touched my thigh then he began rubbing it. It felt uncomfortable to me but I felt that's what dads done.

"You know daddy love you?" he said licking his lips.

I knoded my head yes and he laid me down. He began to take my pants off and got between my legs. He started to insert inside of me and yelled stop repeatedly. All I could really do was cry. I'm a five year old little girl getting molested by my own dad.

( PRESENT ) 17 years old.

"You need to get all out that tv and go to school." my mom said.

I just looked at her because I knew she was drunk or high. I hated being here with her. She was nothing but a drunk bitch. All she do is care about her nothing ass nigga, Dre. Speaking of the damn devil, he walking down the stairs.

"You hear what I said, Niecy?" she asked.

"Dont call me that." I told her walking to the door.

"What's up babygirl?" Dre said.

"Dont get smart. You hungry?"

"Like there's anything to eat." I mumbled and rolled my eyes about to walk out the door.

"What!" she shouted.

"Nothing!" I shouted back closing the door.

I arrived at Richmond High School, this ghetto ass school with predominantly blacks and latinos. I even cant stand being at school. What a life?

I dont fuck with anybody at school. Niggas wanna fuck me and every bitch wanna fight me cause they really wanna be me. So I keep to myself.
School began to fly by as I wasn't thinking about the time. The last bell rang and I went straight to work. I worked at clothing store, to provide for myself since my mom don't do shit.

I began to line up clothes that goes on the right racks and someone needed my help, so I walked over to her.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm looking for the half shirts." she replied

"They would be on that rack over there." I pointed in that direction


I was about to walk away till she stopped me in my track. "That's your real booty?" she asked me.

I softly chuckled. "Last time I checked. Yeah."

She just smiled and walked toward me. "You ever think about working some place where you get paid bout 1,000 a night, maybe even more." she asked.

"You talking about a strip club." I said sarcastically.

"Maybe." said a deep voice behind me. I turned around and so a tall, chocolate, maybe 40 year old man behind me in a nice suit with a fancy coat on. "Wanna get paid. Go there." he handed me a card and walked away with the girls following him.

The next day came and I began thinking about the stripping idea. I was down stairs sitting on the couch and in come Dre ass. Even through I'm 18 I knew he wanted me besides my mother.

"Wassup E." he said as he sat down and slapped his hand on my thigh.

I mugged him and pushed his hand off me and got up from the couch till he pulled me on his lap. "Why you never acknowledge me?" he asked. I moved his hands and got up from his lap.

"Because your not my man to acknowledge." I replied and walked to my room.

Later that night I got dressed and put on my black pencil skirt and matching half shirt. I drove to Pinkwine Stripclub and walked in. "Damn. I see you made it." a familiar voice said. It was one of the girls from the store.

I smiled. "Yeah. I'm here. What do I do?"

"Follow me." she began walking and all I could look at was her booty cause she had on a throng going all up her ass. I could honestly say she was a fine ass red bone. She knocked on a door and walked in. "She here daddy." she said to the guy from the store.

He licked his lips. "Oh you. Sit. Diamond, shut the door." she done as told and sat next to me. "So this what you wanna do?" he asked me.

"Well I have a drunk/drug addict mother that doesn't provide for me, so yeah. I wanna do this." he explained.

"What about school?" he asked.

"I'll quit if I have to."

"Nah. Don't do that. I want you to stay in school but this is what I will do." he smacked money on the table. "Take this and buy you something nice." he continued.

"When do I start?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night." he began to touch his chin hairs.

I grabbed the money and got up from my seat. "Okay."

"We gonna call you, Chocolate." he told me. "Walk her out Diamond."

"You got it, Daddy." she replied.

We walked out the door. "Why do you call him daddy?" I asked.

"We all do. So you better get used to it. Hope you ready for this long journey." she told me.

"What journey?" I asked confused.

"Your D boys property now, baby girl." she smiled and walked away.

I left out the club thinking about what she was saying but I just let it go.
I pulled up at home and Dre was still awake on the couch.

"Where you been?" he asked.

"My business." I said as I rolled my eyes.

He got up from the couch. "Why you always talking to me smart?" he asked.

I stayed quiet about to walk to my room but he grabbed around my waist and push me on the wall. "What are you doing? Stop." he tried to kiss my lips but I moved my head.

"Kiss me." he said.

He picked me up and start kissing on my neck. For some reason it start to feel good and start loving it. I made a soft moan and that made him happy. But I snapped back to reality and pushed him off me and got to walk to my room. I locked my door and laid down to prepare for tomorrow night.

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