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I was about to walk out of the library when I saw Ali, Jane and this third girl. I did a double take because there was no way in hell it could be her.

"Jane! Ali!"
I got scolded to shut up but I honestly didn't care.

They both turned around immediately. And so did she.

Holy fucking shit.
It's her.
Holy shit.

Realizing it was her made my steps falter as I got closer.

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her. She looked the same, but somehow different? But in a good way--fuck, I don't know.

Her eyes widened as she saw me walking towards them, but they quickly averted to the floor.

I waited until I was right in front of them before speaking.
"Hey." I said to all of them, but I couldn't tear my eyes off Lauren.

"Dude." Jane laughed, she flicked me right between my eyes and that snapped me out of that dazed state.

When I finally peeled my eyes off Lauren and looked at Jane, she was smirking at me and Ali started giggling.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to hide her own smirk.

My eyes darted back to Lauren, but she just kept doing what she's good at--pretending I'm nowhere near--just staring at the ground, ignoring my presence.

"Nothing, just had some stuff to do. What are you lovely ladies doing here?"

I don't think I realized that I haven't taken my eyes off her, because Jane was laughing and waving her hand in front of my face.

I slapped them away and glared at her.

She stopped laughing, smiled, and then nudged Lauren with her elbow.

"Lauren." Jane said.

And she finally looked up.

"Have you met Michael?" She continued with a shit-eating grin on her face.

My palms began to sweat as my pulse echoed in my ears.

I could see Ali's confused expression from the corner of my eye, but I couldn't take my fucking eyes off Lauren.

My hands went in my back pockets while I waited for her reaction because I needed her to say something--anything. To tell me that she remembered me.

But when she finally looked up, there was nothing.
"Nope. Never." She faked looking at her phone.

"I gotta go. My ride's coming and he gets pissed when he has to wait so I'll see you girls later." She said quickly, and then walked away.

"Study group at Jane's on Tuesday, don't forget." Ali called after her.
She raised her hand in acknowledgement.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.
Ali put her arm through mine as we walked out and towards the parking lot.

"Michael?" She said softly.

"Uh huh?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you've slept with her too. She's one of the good ones." Well, that was straightforward.

"What? No. I haven't. I swear."

"Good because I'm pretty sure she'd rather lock it down than sleep with a player like you." She laughed.

"Yeah yeah. I'm a bad boy but that's why ladies love me."

"The same reason why they hate you too. Don't forget that." Jane deadpanned as she tapped my shoulder.

I just made face at her and she laughed.

I put my arms around both their shoulders.

"So what's this about a study group? You girls sit around, pretending to study but actually just talk about boys and whose junk is bigger? Because if so, count me in and I'm ready for a show and tell."

"Ew!" Ali yelped the same time Jane backhanded my stomach.


They both got in Jane's car and drove off.

I looked around for my car and remembered I wasn't parked on this side of the lot so I started making my way to the other side, and saw Lauren sitting at a bus stop, on her phone.

I stood there still for a moment, wondering if I should try and talk to her, or if I should just leave her alone.

She glanced up when she heard footsteps, but her expression falling the instant she realized it was me.

"I got to go, Kelly. I'll call you later...yeah...uh-huh...bye." Then, she put her phone in her pocket.

"Hey." Was all I could utter.

She turned to me with her eyebrow raised. She knows that I don't take the bus so I have no other reason to be there but her.

"May I?" I motioned my head to the spot on the bench next to her.

She bit her lip and looked away.
"It's a free country, Bradford. You can do what you want."

I hated that she called me Bradford. It already sucked that I know she's giving me the cold shoulder and deserved it but why does she have to act as if she didn't even know my name?

"So you do remember me? That's not what you said to-"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Her whole body spun to face me.

"I'm not the one that--" I saw her eyes widen as if she just realized she was about to say something she shouldn't so she stopped herself abruptly and closed her eyes, forcing her breathing to steady.

I watched her, confused.

"You know what, Bradford? Just leave it alone, okay? No one needs to know that we have history--or whatever. Just leave it. Please." Her gaze fell downwards.

I didn't know what to say.
I noticed her fist balled. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled it away quick.

"Lauren." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." I meant it.

Her whole body tensed before she raised her eyes to mine.

"You're too late, Michael." She shook her head slowly.
"You're just too fucking late."

A car pulled up, interrupting me from saying anything more. She rushed to stand, putting her backpack on.

"I'd say it was nice seeing you, Bradford. But it really, really wasn't."

I heard that and I felt that same ache in my heart that I felt when I saw her leave with another guy the last time I saw her.

I stayed silent as she got into that same piece of shit old civic from her graduation day.

And I was left sitting there, watching her leave.


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