Past (I wish it never had to end)

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"OH.MY.GOD!" She yelled. "Guess what time it is?"

I sat up, still half asleep. I must've dozed off, too. "I don't know."

"No, Michael, guess?!"

I rubbed my eyes. "I don't know, like, midnight?"

She showed me her phone. "It's four a.m."

"What? It can't be." I focused my eyes and took the phone from her hands.

She nodded her head dramatically, her eyes wide.
"I have to be at work in five hours! You have to take me home. Like, right now!" She panicked and made a move to leave, but I held her back and pulled her into my arms.

"Or..." I began. "You can just stay the night here and I'll drive you to work when it's time."

She kissed me once, and then pulled away. She eyed our surroundings, and then faced me again. Then she was quiet, thinking.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." She stated.

I nodded, thinking about touching her again. "Yeah, you're probably right."

She got out of bed and so did I. I pulled out a new shirt from my dresser and grabbed my car keys. She walked towards the bathroom, her jeans in hand.

I stopped her. "Just wear them, give them back to me next time I take you out."

She smiled. "Okay."


We got to her house faster than I'd like. At one point I glanced over and saw her nervously chewing on her lip. I leaned over, took her hand in mine and gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

We didn't talk much; I guess we were both rehashing the night. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but I knew that I definitely wanted to see her again.

I pulled into her driveway and switched the car off, turning in my seat to look at her. She smiled softly then turned to open her door.

"Wait." I said, "Just wait there, I'll get that."

I jumped out of the car, ran to her side, opening the door for her. She got out and I closed it behind her. She leaned back against it and looked up at me. Her hand reaches out and pulled at my shirt until my body was pressed against hers. Then her arms were around my neck and my hands automatically went to her waist.

She kissed me once. "So, I had a good night. Thank you, Michael."

"Yeah?" I asked

She nodded.

"Not bad for a man who've never been on a date before, huh? "

She chuckled. "Not bad. Not bad at all for a date-virgin."

"Okay," she sighed, removing her hands from around my neck. "I better get inside."

My hands took hers and I locked our fingers together between us.
"Okay." I said, before kissing her.

A kiss I used to try to tell her how I felt. And if she decided-once she was in that house-that she never wanted to see me again, then at least she'd have that kiss to remember me by. Because I would. Remember her, I mean.

"Wow." She whispered, as we break apart.

Good. She got it.

I kissed her a few more times, quickly, before pulling back completely.

"You'll call me, right?" Her eyes were cast downwards.

"Lauren," I said, trying to get her to see me. She looked up and into my eyes.

"This," I motioned my finger between us. "It's not-I mean, it means more to me than what you're probably thinking. I'll definitely call you, okay?"

She nodded, and then turned and walked away. I hated it. Seeing her walk away.

Right before she turned the knob, she looked back at me.
I was waiting for that.

"Now don't you go breakin' my heart, cowboy. You better call me."
That was the worst but the hottest cowgirl accent ever.

I let out a little laugh.
I cleared my throat.
She smiled at me as she waits for what I'm going to say.
Damn. She's gorgeous.

"I sure ain't gonn' break your heart there, sweetheart." I answered, mimicking her accent but doing it better.

I licked my lips, as I tipped my imaginary hat--trying to act like a real cowboy.

She laughed.
And that laugh? Music to my ears.

I smiled, bit my lip and I just stared at her for a while.
Eyeing her from head to toe--trying to take it all in.
She is fucking hot. No doubt there.

"Whoa there, cowboy. Better keep your eyes on--fuck it--stare at my breasts--I don't care." She pouted.

I threw my head back laughing.
She can't even keep up with the accent.

"I'll call you. I promise." That's all that I said, she smiled then she turned around facing her door.

I just-I don't know. I didn't want this to end. The truth is I actually gave a shit-if she didn't want to see me again-or want me at all. For the first time ever, I actually cared.

"Wait!" I ran up to her. She turned around with a confused look on her face.

"Do you have a break tomorrow? I mean-shit. Is that too soon? Is it like creepy stalker too soon? Fuck."

She laughed at me. "I have a break at two, and no, I mean maybe, but not for me, too soon, I mean. And even if it is, who gives a shit."

She shrugged. "I would love to see you, too soon."

Then she turned around and walked away, and I let her. I waited until she was in the house and I saw her bedroom light turn on.

I got back into my car and pulled out my phone. I was about to text her, but she beat me to it.

Lauren: Is it too soon to tell you that I'm already missing the hell out of you?


Author here. Anyway, the last chapter was too long so I had to write this separately..... That's it, I guess. :)
Next part is Lauren's POV!! Yey!

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