Chapter 8

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Rowan POV

"Maleco!" Rowan called out as Noah opened his door, his face was calm and unconcerned, his lips pulled up in a pleasant smile, however, only half of his attention was on the Alpha striding toward him in the diming light, the rest was very alertly focused on the goings on on the other side of the car.

His wolf pushed his senses out farther and farther, taking in everything surrounding them; the wolves before them, the darkening woods behind. Isaac opening Izzy's door, offering his hand to gently help her step down from the high seat. Rowan's senses spread out even further, stretching to their limits, pushed as Izzy moved beyond the safety of the vehicle.

His attention didn't waver from his surveillance, even as Maleco closed the distance between them, his hand outstretched in greeting. Not missing a beat, Rowan gripped the Alpha's hand in a firm handshake, simultaneously monitoring how his wolves fell in around the small fragile human, trampling down the urge to close the distance between them, and ignoring his wolfs' instincts that it should be him that stood close. That protected her.

Releasing the Alpha's hand from his, he forced himself to be content with his pack mates at her sides as her feet landed on yet another Alpha's territory. Hayden, despite his grumblings and an obvious displeasure, had leapt from the vehicle in front of them without hesitation, moving with Isaac to stand at her door as soon as the cars had begun to slow. Austin was also quick to step out of the car, moving to stand close to her, his shoulders stiff and eyes alert.

Sensing the Royal wolves' tension, those that had come to greet them shifted nervously, their eyes falling to the ground at their feet. Rowan didn't enjoy having to intimidate these wolves; they had seen and felt enough of that in their short lives, but until he was able to establish the rules and explain the complexity of the situation to Maleco, and was fully convinced that it was understood, he wasn't taking any chances with the girl's safety. She was, after all, a human; and they were on pack lands – a crime that despite Vance's previous unwillingness, law dictated should always result in an instant and unflinching death sentence.

"Alpha Maleco, thank you for your hospitality." Rowan said, his voice cold, but steady. He worked to hide more of his influence and dominance, showcasing only enough to remind those around them; that he could, and would, enforce whatever laws and rules he saw fit.

"The pleasure is ours, Your-" Maleco started before a sharp, but not malicious, thought from Rowan cut off his words, "I mean Rowan. Tenebris is always welcome to the Throne and the pack of the Blood."

Rowan nodded, clapping the much older wolf on the shoulder in a warmer gesture then the formal handshake and stiff words etiquette dictated and demanded. "It is good to see you still alive and kicking Maleco."

Feeling the tension ease with his casual words, Maleco threw his head back reveling in a deep laugh, a few of his pack members joining in around them with soft snickers.

The easy mood didn't last however; Rowan had been waiting for it. His mind and wolf alert and watching as they made their way around the front of the car, Olivia was at her side, a hand on the small of her back, her eyes moving across those gathered. Rowan didn't glance in their direction, but his approval radiated through the bond as he felt Hayden stay close to her other side, his body brushing along hers, Isaac and the other guardians they were travelling with falling in to surround her as they made their way to him.

Rowan could sense Izzy's confusion, the scent of her fear in the air riled his wolf, and he had to grind his teeth to keep from growling.

Olivia was whispering low and rushed into the girl's ear, the words to quick and quiet for any but Rowan and those closest to her to overhear.

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