Chapter 21

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Izzy POV

"Where did he go?"

They were back at Maleco's house, this time sitting in the backyard, the afternoon sun granting enough warmth to keep them from freezing. Rowan had disappeared inside with a barked 'watch her' to the others, who had obediently fallen in around her.

"He needed to call his parents, let them know what happened." Austin answered from beside her.

"He can't just use that 'pack' thing to talk to them?" Izzy asked taking a sip of the coffee she had refilled from the kitchen before they had settled on the slightly faded but comfortable couches and chairs scattered around the interlocked patio.

"Mind link." Austin corrected, "And, no."

"What Austin means, is that yes normally the pack links doesn't depend on distance and Rowan, and well us to a degree, can access whichever links however and whenever we like, but right now they are shut down."

"How come you guys are different?" Izzy asked excitedly.

"Nice try. Like I said, you gotta ask Rowan kiddo." Austin replied instantly, laughing at her dejected sigh.

She flipped him the bird, turning to Olivia who sat beside him. "Why is the pack link down? How is that possible, when you said he can access whatever ones he wants?"

Olivia fidgeted, glancing at Austin and Hayden uncomfortable. At their displeased looks, Izzy assumed Olivia had said too much. "Well..."

"Olivia." Austin snapped.

"It's not that big of a deal." Olivia argued her fidgeting stilling as she took a deep breath, "Kaiden, Rowan's dad shut down the pack links between well everyone and them."

"Why?" Izzy asked pressing her luck, she knew she wasn't getting anymore when Olivia's eyes hardened at her.

"That's something for Rowan to explain." She offered gently, softening the harsh look.

Izzy smiled back in hopes of being forgiven for her pushy-ness, as much as she wanted answers, she also didn't want to turn the few wolves that didn't seem to immediately want her head against her, either.

As if her thoughts had been a dare, a growl sounded around them. Izzy jumped spinning in her chair to look at where the sound was coming from. The others didn't seem particularly surprised or concerned.

Looking at Austin, she found him rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Go away Dylan. Haven't we been over this."

Dylan!? As in, the wolf that wanted to kill her, and got in a brawl with Hayden at the breakfast table? Perfect. She sarcastically thought, her heart picking up its pace as she sensed the danger coming closer to her.

From around the corner Dylan emerged, a group of wolves at his back, all were young, but they still had the muscle and height to make a formidable sight. Izzy flinched, pressing herself further into the cushions.

"We lost pack members because of her!" Dylan spat, the others nodding along with their leader's words.

Izzy recognized this for what it was - a hunting party. And she was the prey. Quickly she looked at her 'guards'. Isaac and Noah had followed Rowan inside, the others they had brought with them had been sent to the borders, that left her only with Olivia, Hayden and Austin. Three against nine (she knew better then to count herself in this fight, she was way out of her league). Not the best odds. She swallowed, her palms clammy, fear twisting her belly.

"You lost pack members because you couldn't hold a fucking perimeter." Hayden snarled back, black eyes flashing, meeting Dylan's head on.

He faltered under Hayden's gaze, but quickly recovered, growling back.

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